10 Simple & Green Ways to Save on Energy Bills This Winter

By Savvybrown @savvybrownblog

Everyone wants to save on their home heating bills. But not everyone has the money to pay for expensive renovations or has the time to take on several DIY projects at once. Here are 10 cheap and simple ways to save on heating this winter, that may just tide you over until you can tackle some of those bigger projects.

  1. Lower your thermostat - This is an oldie but goodie, but it works! Now, not everyone is comfortable at 65 degrees in the middle of winter but 75 degrees is too high. Try to keep your thermostat between 68 and 70 degrees, and you’ll see the difference in your home heating bill
  1. Use Draft Dodgers - Draft Dodgers are those tubular things that are shoved on the floor in front of door baseboards to keep out the chill. They are also used on window ledges. You can use everything from a rolled up beach towel to sewing one up yourself like this one.
  1. Use Heavy Drapes - Block out drapes and other heavily lined drapes healp keep heat from escaping out of windows and doors.
  1. Put Your Electronics on Timers - Use power strips and timers to turn everything from your lamsp to your cable box while you’re at work. You’d be surprised how much money you can save just by doing this one thing.
  1. Dust the Radiator - Dust can actually insulate whatever it’s sitting on, therefore keeping heat from traveling as far as it needs to. dust you heating vents frequentaly in order to help your heater work more efficiently.
  1. Run Ceiling Fans in Reverse - Yes, that little ubtton on the side of your ceiling fan does do something. By running your ceiling fan in reverse you force warmer air down from the ceiling towards the floor. Therefore pulling less on your thermostat to heat the room.
  1. Use Caulking and Weatherstripping - Use caulk around windows and behind switchplates and electrical outlets. And boost weatherstripping around doors. If a gap is wide enough you can add insulation. You can even find safe insulation made from recycled materials like denim
  1. Insulate Your Water Heater - Putting a “coat” on you water heater will allow you to turn it down by a few degrees. And save you in CO2 emmissions every year. Instead of the fiberglass ones that you need a mask and gloves for. Try using a greener version of an insulation blanket like this one.
  1. Cling Film Your Windows - I know. I know. It’s not the most attractive option, but for rooms, with air leaks that you don’t use often coupled with drapes can really save you money! Try a green version like this one
  1. Put On a Sweater - No Seriously. Instead of turning up the thermostat everytime you get a little chilly, grab a sweater and a blanket and bundle up!

 • What are some tips and tricks you use to save energy in the winter?
Header image credit: Lidziya Puchkova/123RF Stock Photo