10 Signs Your New Honey Isn’t Frugal

By Kathleen O'Malley @frugalportland

The following is from our new staff writer, Robin! You’ll see new voices here, and read new stories about debt, saving half, and minimalism. Robin has her own very funny blog, The Thrifty Peach, where she discusses frugality with a southern spin. Check out her blog after reading this post!


When I met my husband a few years ago, I wasn’t exactly “frugally fit” yet, but I had a pretty good head on my shoulders when it came to my finances and knew what I could and couldn’t afford. Well, that and I worked for peanuts at my first job, so I was pretty much forced into frugality.

Then I met my future husband.

There were probably about 900 red flags to tell me that he was not exactly the frugal type, but you know how that whole “love” thing goes, and the next thing I knew, I was googly-eyed in love and engaged.

To say that my husband was a spendy guy is an understatement. He was making big money before the recession hit, and he had no idea what to do with it all except to blow it. And boy was he good at that!

After a few months of dating, I got wrapped up in all the cash-blowing revelry, and before I knew it, I was financing a bed, a car, a couch, and then a boat! (Never mind that I didn’t actually know how to drive a boat.)

Luckily, it didn’t take long for me to correct my wayward, high-rolling tendencies and my spendthrift husband, and I am now happy to say that we are in great financial shape with only the tiniest amount of quickly diminishing mortgage debt. People can change, but it’s definitely not easy.

Needless to say, I have honed my skills, and I can now spot a big spender from a mile away.

So what’s a frugal girl (or guy) got to do to spot a frugal hottie these days? Well, I can definitely tell you what to stay far away from in the handy list below. Since this is a blog about frugality, this list comes to you at the low price of free, but if it doesn’t work for you, don’t worry because there is a full money back guarantee.

Print it off and keep it in your wallet for quick reference at your local bar/rave/dance club in case you start making eyes at the person dancing next to you. (Just kidding. Of course we are frugal people here, so we know we would actually be at the library, park, or other awesomely free venue to pick up a date.)

I present to you the…

Top 10 Ways to Know Your New Honey Isn’t Frugal

1. He takes you on your first date in his newly leased car. 

It’s probably a two seater and red. He loses even more points if it is lowered or has fancy rims and tires.

2. His retirement savings is in the form of video games and comic books

or worse, beanie babies and baseball cards. He sounds like a fun guy!

3. He thinks an IRA is the government entity that takes all of your money for taxes and that a 401k is a brand of jeans.

Hey, give the guy a break. Acronyms can be really confusing sometimes!

4. His last name is Trump, Madoff, or Kardashian.

Yes, they are very big spenders indeed, but I dare say you should run away quickly for more reasons than that. Do we really need an explanation here?

5. He has a drink and a burger named after him at the local watering hole.

When he walks in, all of the waitresses know his name, a tab is already started, and his drink of choice is promptly delivered.

6. He thinks being a Walmart greeter in retirement wouldn’t be so bad after all.

Social security will be there anyway, right??

7. He blows his tax refund on a down payment for a new boat.

This is a two-fold warning, because he blows his tax refund… on a toy.

8. His refrigerator only holds beer, ice, and ketchup.

He eats out for every meal, and he needs the ketchup for the fast food he brings home every night. Frugal and healthy– double win!

9. He tips the waitress (who gave great service with a smile) only 10%.

There’s nothing frugal about dissing the waitstaff. That’s called being cheap.

10. His favorite hobby is shopping,

and his favorite day to shop is Black Friday, when he thinks that’s when he will get all the best deals.

Bonus! 11. He’s thinks being a Mustachian is being a part of the latest hair fad,

and he’s even working on his new handlebars as we speak! Let’s be honest– knowing about Mr. Money Mustache is kind of a requirement to be a frugal hipster these days, and it’s what all the cool kids are doing. (Don’t even pretend you don’t want to be cool.)

Okay, that was 11 tips, but you can never be too cautious.

Happy hunting, frugal friends!