10 Signs You Are Falling in Love

By Umkhaloodie

I came across this little graphic on google earlier and it made me realize. I’m still falling in love… Every single second of every day. Obviously I didn’t need this picture to tell me that but it’s true and the little sentences reminded me of things I do, even now. My love for BoKhalid grows stronger each and every day.
The butterflies are still there, every soppy song reminds me of him and I spend each waking moment thinking of him… El7umdella, I have an amazing husband and inshallah Allah will protect us forever.
Love isn’t just for teenagers, it’s for all of us. Let love into your life, don’t be afraid of it. It’s the one emotion that we have no control over yet let’s us feel a number of things all at once. Mashallah, I really am the luckiest girl in the world.