10 Qualities You Need to Be a DOS

By Naturegirl321 @SharonTEFLTips
PC Parrot wrote a list of 10 qualities necessary to head the PD (professional development) department at this post on Dave's. I think that all of these apply to those who want to become a head teacher, HD (head of department) or a DOS (director of study). Oxford TEFL has an online course for those wanting to be DOSes.
You should be some one who . . .
  1. .. is a qualified teacher who holds a teaching license, a DELTA, and an MA TESOL.
  2. .. is a qualified teacher trainer.
  3. .. can accept criticism.
  4. .. doesn't resort to ridiculous put downs like "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem" .. because they actually want to encourage feedback - both negative and positive.
  5. .. doesn't believe that PD is voluntary if it forms part of the teacher evaluation system.
  6. .. doesn't believe that a department which invests heavily in PD will look equally upon those who take part in the devised program and those who chose instead to pursue their own private PD.
  7.  .. doesn't come to the table with the belief that teachers in the Middle East are lazy and do nothing but pop into class for a couple of hours a day.
  8. .. doesn't believe they are a great teacher, but instead aspires to constantly improve themselves.
  9. .. doesn't worry about their popularity, but is more concerned about earning the trust and respect of the teachers they will be training.
  10. And someone who certainly doesn't believe anyone to be a Neanderthal because they question the value of what they are doing - especially when the crticism comes from people who are more qualified.