10° Quad – Dageraad Brewing

By Mike @mikescraftbeer

From Dageraad Brewing out of Burnaby BC comes their "10°"a strong, dark Belgian-style quadrupel brewed with unrefined sugars as noted by the Brewery. The beer pours a deep amber with a beige head. The aroma consists of dark fruits, candied sugar, Carmel, malts and spices. The flavour is of candied sugar, dark fruits, caramel, sweetness, bitterness, earth, spices, yeast and alcohol. The alcohol content comes in at 10.5%. I love a good Belgian Quad and Dageraad is brewing up a tasty one for sure! Make sure to grab a bottle before it's to late.

Commercial Description: Dageraad 10° is our secular homage to the strong, dark ales brewed by Trappist monks in Belgium. The strength of the wort and the addition of exotic, unrefined sugars has tormented the yeast into producing magnificently complex fruit and spice notes to complement the beer's malty profundity. Its flavour will develop for up to three years in the bottle if properly stored.

Dageraad 10° is refermented in the bottle, so pour with care to leave the yeast sediment in the bottle.

About Mike

I am an avid outdoors man and hobby photographer who loves to spend as much time as possible exploring the beautiful backcountry of the Province of British Columbia and everywhere else! When not exploring nature though I am exploring Craft and Micro Brew beer locally and from around the world. If you love beer like I do please come on a journey for your taste buds. Who knows you just might find your next favorite beer!

This entry was posted in Belgian Quadrupel, Imperial and tagged alcohol, bc, belgian quad, bitter, bitterness, Burnaby, candied sugar, caramel, craft beer, dageraad brewing, dark fruit, dark fruits, earth, mild bitter, mild bitterness, quad, spice, spices, sweet, sweetness, yeast. Bookmark the permalink.