10 of the BEST Dishes for New Year

By Emma @glasgowfoodie

You know those lists..ten canapés to amaze you guests..ten ways with a cucumber...we'll take a look at these. Aren't they amazing? I'd be totally chuffed turning up at a party with some of these on board.

Here we have our fave dodgy dishes for New Year!

10. Ham in Aspic

No wonder it's a slimmers card, it's probably awful. Tasteless ham in tasteless jelly. I wonder how long it would take to get the peas to sit for setting?

9. Spam n Limas

I'm not sure if my cooking skills are up for this one. Too many ingredients to handle!

8. Cranberry Surprise

Surprise your guests with individual pots of vomit ....

7.Spam n cheese ribbon loaf

Another hard one from Spam. So many ingredients, makes my brain hurt. Pretty stripes tho.

6. Pineapple ...?

I have no idea what this is and it scares me.

5. Jellied Tomato Refresher

More diet food. One bite and that's the diet successful for the night.

4. Crown roast of frankfurters

All hail the crown of wieners.

3. Perfection salad

Beautifully moulded salad of..sick?

2. Ham and bananas hollandaise

Now you are talking, look at this dish. Glorious.

1. Banana Candles

The best dish for New Year. Perfect for nibbling whilst talking to neighbours.