10 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Accomplish

By Savvybrown @savvybrownblog

This year, instead of making barely attainable resolutions, like “lose 50 pounds” or “cruise around the world”, I’ve decided to make emotional and physical changes in my life. Here’s my list of 10 Attainable New Year’s Resolutions…

  1. Keep things simple – When faced with decisions this year, whether they be big or small, I’m going to try to remember to take the simplest (which is not always the easiest) route.
  2. Listen to your body – We get so used to just “walking it off” that sometimes we put ourselves in very really danger. Don’t do this! Listen to your body, when you’re tired, rest. When you are thirsty, drink some water. Don’t ignore things like dizzy spells and/or numbness, they could be something MUCH worse.
  3. Breathe more – Every morning when you wake, get up and take a series of deep breaths. Then throughout the day, remind yourself to do the same thing. Hungry but it’s another hour till lunch? Breathe. Stuck in a frustrating meeting? Breathe. Mid-afternoon slump? Take a quick walk and breathe.Breathing supplies more oxygen to our extremities and to your brain.
  4. Travel - Upstate or overseas, go somewhere where not everybody looks (or talks) like you
  5. Laugh often - Watch a funny video on youtube, talk to that one hysterical friend, or watch a comedy on TV. A good laugh can actually be like a mini-workout. You exercise the muscles in your face and abdomen, and your heart rate goes up a bit so that you breathe deeper.
  6. Get rid of excess – I am determined to put my house on a diet. There would be less to clean up if I had less to clean up! I’m going to use ebay, craigslist, even this blog to sell/swap stuff I no longer use. (Stay tuned!)
  7. Spend more time with friends and family - Stop waiting to catch up with people at weddings and funerals. You don’t have to stay on the phone for 3 hours, 20 minutes will do. Just connect.
  8. Get some sun – Your skin is the largest organ on your body, and the best way for the body to get Vitamin D, is through exposure to sunlight. A significant lack of Vitamin D has now been linked to types of cancer, osteoporosis, heart disease, depression and weight gain.*
  9. Entertain – You don’t have to be Martha Stewart to entertain! Make it a potluck movie night, or even get takeout and serve it up on pretty plates. Use #1 to do #7 and you’ll probably get to do #5!
  10. Help someone – Volunteer your time, mentor someone, or simply help an elderly neighbor take their trash out. Make a deposit into your karmic bank account! (You never know when you’ll need to make a withdrawal!)

One of the reasons why my first post of 2015 is almost a week in, is because I got started on #4 and #7 early! I rang in the New Year, visiting my family in Bermuda with my mom. I relaxed caught up with family I hadn’t seen in YEARS and really got a chance to reflect on how much progress I made last year!

What a difference a year can make right? Thank you so much for your support, prayers and positive comments all through 2014 as I recovered and moved forward, (albeit a bit slower than usual). This year, I hope to give you all as much support and love as you’ve given me!

Happy New Year!

*For more information on Vitamin D deficiency click here

• What are some of your New Year’s Resolutions?