10 Most Interactive Business Cards

Posted on the 07 April 2013 by Curatist @TheCuratist

It all starts with a great looking business card! We have handpicked here 10 of the most creative business cards for you to take inspiration from. Interactive but also very original and creative in the way that they all have been designed in order to best show in one blink the main caracterists of the business and industry.

It all starts with a great looking business card but even the best designed business card can’t guarantee that your business will be successful. However you can be sure that this is one of the very first things that will make a long lasting impression so don’t miss out this opportunity!

Run your imagination wild to create a business card that will show your best qualities, tell about  your charter, describe your business, industry and communicate your company’s values. A piece of advice: think out of the box, include some rock and roll and never limit your imagination to the traditionnal plain rectangle!

Here are 10 very clever and interactive business cards to help you make your creative juices flowing Let us know which one(s) inspire you the most!

Yoga business card
A simple business card for a  yoga center in Vancouver. The card rolls just like a yoga ma

Rock ‘n Roll hair salon business card

A business card shaped like a com for Rock ‘n Roll hair salon in Rome. This comb plays a classic rock theme when rubbed by fingernail.

Landscape business

This business card con­tains seed­lings that ger­min­ate when you water and expose to light.

Plastic Surgeon – Business card

Put your fingertips behind the business card to touch the boobs

Toy Chair business card

A plain rectangular business card for a furniture sop that you can turn into a stylish mini chair.

Photographer – Business card

A brilliant idea of business card for a photographer. Don’t move and keep smiling!

Pilate studio business card

A business card designed for Mais Pilates that can easily be unfolded to create a silhouette.

Broke Bike Alley business card

A very handy business card for anyone serious about cycling.

Mechanical engineer – Business card

Because everyone loves solving puzzles!

Divorce lawyer – Business card

A smart way to communicate about displeasant things!