10 More Films to Watch During the Halloween Season

Posted on the 01 October 2017 by House Of Geekery @houseofgeekery

A few years back I brought you 31 Days of Halloween Films . Today I present with 10 more great choices to watch during the most wonderful time of the year.

This Disney classic is perhaps the best film from their package era and combines two classic pieces of literature into one Fall fun-filled animated romp.

Another Tim Burton animated Halloween classic, this time about Johnny Depp getting involved with several women, one of them a corpse.

This Spielberg classic is perfect to curl up on the couch with a pack of Reese's Pieces and watch during the cold October night.

This thriller mystery drama cumulates on the night of Halloween and the effects of the holiday only enhance the amazing storyline.

This cult film is often associated with Halloween and I'm sure those of you who are fans of it already watch it every year.

Get ready for a whopping dose of nostalgia wrapped up in kooky characters and a fun film. This will make you want to go back and re-read the series.

Rob Zombie's latest feature is about carnival employees who must survive Halloween day after being kidnapped and stalked by clowns. Seems about right.

Sometimes celebrating the spirit of getting candy wearing costumes is more fun than getting scared. This is a family-friendly feature with all the right flair.

There may be a remake on the way but this will always be a cult favorite, especially for those who like the darker, grittier side of the holiday.

It may not be Trick r Treat but it's a damn good Halloween anthology on its own right. Definitely a must watch in the season.

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