10 Minute Cheese and Herb Rolls

By Teresa Ulyate @couscousblog

Two weeks ago I was invited to attend an event hosted by Sasko and which took place at the South African Chefs Academy in Observatory. The Sasko Chefs Kitchen was a fun afternoon of cooking, food photography and of course eating!

On arrival we were invited to sample delicious canapés made using Sasko products. This was followed by a cooking demonstration, and then a chance to don aprons and get our hands dirty by cooking the recipes ourselves in the S.A. Chef's Academy kitchen.

After preparing our dishes we were given an opportunity to spend a bit of one-on-one time with a professional food stylist and photographer who helped each of us style and take a beautiful photograph of our dish. This is the first time I have been to this kind of event where they have done this and I thought it was a great idea! After our photography session it was time to relax, taste our dishes and chat with the other participants.

As we left we each received a generous goodie bag which included a recipe book, and today's recipe is adapted from one of those in the book. A good friend mentioned to me recently that she would love to see more "meal hacks" on my blog. Like me, she is a very busy mom with little time to spend preparing elaborate dishes, and I think she would approve of these babies. Perfect to enjoy around the braai or to whip up for lunch or dinner, and cooked in 10 - for realsies my friends. My thanks go to Sasko for a fabulous afternoon and for the inspiration for this bread hack!

Disclaimer - I was invited to attend the Sasko event but was no under no obligation to write this post. Recipe adapted from the Sasko cookbook.



Step 1.) Sift the flour, baking powder and salt into a large mixing bowl. Add the Italian herbs and grated cheese.

Step 2.) Whisk the water, eggs and garlic together in a jug. Add to the dry ingredients and mix together to form a dough. Add an extra splash of water if the mixture is too dry.

Step 3.) Turn the dough out onto a floured surface. Divide the mixture into 8 pieces and roll these into balls.

Step 4.) Melt the butter in a deep saucepan over a medium heat. As the butter just starts to bubble add the dough balls, arranging them in a single layer in the pan. Cover and leave to cook for 4 minutes.

Step 5.) Remove the lid and carefully turn the rolls over. Cover the pan again and cook for a further 4-5 minutes until the rolls have risen and are cooked through. Watch that the pan doesn't get too hot - you will want to char the rolls slightly but not burn them.

Step 6.) Enjoy simply - serve warm with lashings of butter.