{10} Lately…

By Popcornandpandas @popcornpandas

Lately I’ve been…

reading  May issues of Health Magazine and Marie Claire.  Got some yummy new recipes and a desire to return to Italy!

writing  Thank you notes for all of the kindness my family and friends have shown toward Little Monkey so far!  He is a lucky little boy!

listening  To the news.  I admit, I am not the best when it comes to keeping up with the news.  I usually get my updates from Facebook and Twitter (I know, that’s horrible, but true).  But events from the past week have kept me tuned in.

thinking  That I cannot believe I am halfway through my pregnancy!  20 weeks in, and 20 weeks left until I get to meet my Baby Boy!

smelling  Not much of anything.  I have been sick and stuffed up all week.

watching  The always entertaining Real Housewives of Orange County.  Never a dull dinner party.

wishing  For safe travels as we head down to Maryland this weekend.

hoping  That I can pack my bags in less than 2 hours.  For me this would be an accomplishment.

wearing   Today is a lazy day.  I blame it on being sick all week.  I’m literally in yoga pants, New Balance tennis shoes, layered tank, tshirt, and sweater.  On days like today, I’m so very lucky my office is low key.

loving   The fact that 215 people have signed up for the John Petrovick Memorial 5K this weekend!  I am so thankful to my friends who have put this event together.  This is a great turnout for the very first event, and John would be so happy and proud.  So excited to see you all in Baltimore!

laughing  At myself trying on bathing suits with my prego belly last night in preparation for our trip to warm-weather Arizona.  No really…it was quite comical.

wanting  To be outside playing in this sunshine today.  It’s gorgeous in NYC!

needing  To flush this sickness throughly out of my system as soon as possible.

feeling  Super excited for our trip to Arizona at the beginning of May.  Hanging out with my pen pal in her hometown for the first time, seeing family and friends, the Grand Canyon, Sedona, warm weather, Mexican food, our two year wedding anniversary, and our “baby moon” trip…so many reasons for this excitement!

craving  Everything and anything neon.  As seen on Monday’s post.

clicking  I took a million photos during our Boston trip last weekend of the wedding and the rest of our adventures.  Once again, I’m blaming my sickness for my delay in posting these, but I promise they should be up sometime next week!

*Sidenote:  I just got my Waveborn shades in the mail today, and I cannot wait to rock them oh so soon!

What have you been up to lately?

Happy Friday!



***I was inspired by Tina of Like Ordinary Life to create this post, and she was inspired by Lauren of siddathornton, who started The Sunday Currently.