10 Key Podcast Facts To Consider 2022: Did You Know Facts About Podcasts?

Posted on the 26 July 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

In this article, we'll go over ten important podcast Facts for 2022 that you should be aware of while developing a podcast plan for your dropshipping venture.

It's all the craze in marketing these days, and you hear about it all the time. Not only is this one of the most popular marketing approaches, but due to its widespread use, you may have even been a victim of these tactics.

Yes, you guessed correctly! We're discussing podcasts. Starting your own podcast to expand your business as a dropshipping business person isn't something you should disregard, as it can provide several clear benefits and advantages.

You must first understand what podcasts are before going into podcast statistics.

In short, a podcast is a type of digital audio broadcast. Individuals might hear to a podcast once in a while when they're unwinding at home after a long day.

Alternatively, as the subsequent podcast stats demonstrate, it is frequently consumed while multitasking, such as traveling to or from work, performing chores, exercising, and so on.

A podcast, unlike a video or perhaps a blog article, does not include any visual elements. It's considerably easier to consume this way.

Now that we've covered the fundamentals, let's dig right into the 10 key podcast stats for entrepreneurs in 2021!

1. What Is the Number of Podcasts?

"How many podcasts are there?" is maybe one of the most basic and popular queries about podcasts.

The first of 10 podcast data are as follows. There are nearly 2 million podcasts and over forty - eight million podcast episodes as of 2021. (Podcast Insights, 2021). Given that there existed little over five hundred thousand active podcasts 3 years ago in 2018, this is a remarkable increase.

These podcast numbers are entirely consistent with the reality that podcasting is gradually becoming more widespread. In fact, according to estimates, 78% of the American public now knows what a podcast is, increasing from 64 % in 2018.

2. US Podcast Listenership Figures

The increased popularity of podcasts has prompted an increase in their number.

With the exception of a brief drop in the year 2013, the amount of podcast consumers in the United States has been steadily increasing for the previous 15 years.

According to a survey performed in 2021, approximately 6 out of 10 (57 percent) consumers in the United States over the age of 12 have heard at least 1 podcast (Statista, 2021).

This is the smallest increase in nearly a decade, up to two percentage points from the prior year. Despite the slight increase, it's still a significant leap over the 23% of consumers who had ever heard of a podcast in 2010.

Aside from the growth in consumers, these podcast listener data reveal that an increasing number of people in the United States are routinely listening to podcasts. In 2021, 41% of Americans would listen to podcasts at most once a month, up from 37% the previous year.

3. The Most Popular Podcast Listening Device

While some hear podcasts through internet browsers on their laptops, the majority do so through mobile apps. It is most likely why podcast listeners choose portable devices over other sorts of gadgets while tuning in.

In the United States, 65 percent of podcast listeners utilize gadgets such as cell phones and tablets (Edison Research, 2019). Pcs & laptops, on the other side, are preferred by only 25% of all podcast listeners, which is most likely the group who listens to podcasts through their web browsers.

You could think you're ready to begin your podcast strategy after reviewing these podcast statistics. Consider your channel before proceeding. According to podcast data, smartphone app podcast consumers are more likely than web browser podcast listeners to finish a whole podcast episode.

4. Why Do People Download Podcasts?

Podcasts have so much to offer from the perspective of the consumer. Podcast users tune in for a variety of reasons, from learning new things to feeling inspired.

Education is at the top of the list. Roughly 3 out of every 4 podcast listeners in the United States claim they listen to podcasts on a monthly basis to learn new topics (Statista, 2019). Aside from that, podcasts provide listeners with pleasure as well as news and inspiration.

However, while these podcast data look into why consumers listen to podcasts, it's also worth looking into why they don't. This is particularly critical if your intended audience falls within this category.

According to data, 35% of individuals who don't hear podcasts (despite knowing about them) say it's because they don't know where to get them. Other common reasons include not knowing how to hear a podcast, not understanding where to begin among the many options, and not knowing what a podcast is.

5. Podcast Frequency Stats

Another data demonstrating the growing popularity of podcasts is that nearly a third of Americans (32%) listen to them at least once a month ( as per Edison Research, 2019).

To put things in context, it is not only a 6% point increase over the previous year's figure of 26% but also nearly twice the number of individuals from just 5 years ago in 2015.

Despite the fact that men and women listen to podcasts in almost equal numbers (49% men & 51% women), males hear the podcasts on a monthly basis in greater numbers than women. More specifically, 36% and 29% of women hear podcasts at least once a month.

6. Where Do People Listen to Podcasts?

It appears that nothing beats listening to a podcast from the luxury of your own home. In fact, 9 out of 10 podcast consumers in the United States claim they listen at home (as per Edison Research, 2019).

Podcasts are also being heard while on the go, with 64%, 49%, & 37 percent of listeners opting to listen while driving, walking, and commuting, respectively.

Podcasts are appealing to people who prefer simply listening to the content as well as those who like multitasking. When listening to podcasts, 7 out of 10 people report they don't do anything else. Others enjoy multitasking, with 59% hearing to podcasts while doing household chores, 52% driving, and 50% cooking or baking.

7. Podcasts driving Brand Discovery

According to data, 54% of podcast consumers are more inclined to contemplate purchasing from a company after hearing an ad on a podcast (as per eMarketer, 2019).

Though figures like these may entice you to begin your own podcast, merely establishing one to raise brand exposure isn't enough. Promotion is crucial for each new product introduction.

However, you might be interested to learn that the bulk of podcast listeners (43%) find new programs by enquiring around on social networks or in an online community. After that, they talk to others they know who share their interests and look through their podcast app's directory.

If these podcast stats aren't enough to persuade you, consider this: podcast consumers are more inclined to follow brands on social media.\

8. Ad Revenues from US Podcasts

Another figure illustrates the growing popularity of podcasts. Marketers in the United States are anticipated to spend 1.33 billion dollars on podcast marketing in 2021. (eMarketer, 2021).

If that isn't enough to persuade you of the expanding popularity & potential of podcasts, consider this: podcast advertising revenues in the United States are predicted to top $2 billion yearly by 2023.

Marketers are projected to spend 2.74 billion dollars in 2025, which is near twice the estimate for this year.

Given the possibilities of podcasts and their expanding popularity, it's no wonder that Spotify, the music streaming service, has invested roughly 900 million dollars in podcast-related investments.

9. Podcast Time Spent Statistics

According to a recent poll, more than 8 out of 10 podcast listeners devote more than 7 hours per week to the medium (Discover Pods, 2019). Most listeners spend over an hour every day on average, which is more than they devote on social networks or watching television, according to some responses.

Around a fourth of podcast, listeners treat them like a part-time job, spending more than 22 hours per week (or more than 3 hours per day) listening to them.

The amount of time spent hearing podcasts is also increasing. About 30% of the online population in the United States who have ever listened to a podcast said they listen to them even more than they did a year ago.

10. Average Daily Podcast Listening

The majority of individuals who listen to podcasts in the United States aren't in a monogamous affair with their favorite programs. Considering what one can discover from podcasts, this is very understandable.

The typical weekly podcast consumer in the United States is quite diverse, subscribing to six programs and listening to seven in a typical week (Edison Research, 2019). More than half of respondents engage in at least 4 distinct shows per week, while only 16% listen to 1 podcast per week.

However, finding new podcasts is one of the most difficult tasks facing listeners today. So, if you're serious about starting a podcast for your dropshipping venture, you should consider going over and beyond by regularly posting new episodes and entering a podcasting group to promote your brand and ensure your podcast gets seen.

The following is a rundown of podcast stats for 2021:

  • There are almost 2 million podcasts and over forty - eight million podcast programs available right now.
  • A podcast has been listened to by nearly six out of ten US consumers over the age of twelve.
  • Portable gadgets such as cellphones and tablets are used by 65% of podcast listeners.
  • In the United States, roughly 3 out of every 4 podcast listeners claim they listen to learn something new.
  • On a monthly basis, 32% of Americans hear podcasts.
  • Ninety percent of podcast consumers do it from the convenience of their own homes.
  • After hearing a brand's advertisement on a podcast, more than 50% of consumers are more inclined to consider purchasing from it.
  • In 2023, US podcast ad revenues are estimated to top $2 billion.
  • 82.4% of podcast listeners listen to them for more than 7 hours per week.
  • The typical weekly podcast listener has six subscriptions and listens to seven episodes per week.
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There you have it! You're now completely equipped with the most crucial podcast facts you'll need to know in order to create your own podcast.

And whenever you need a little motivation, come back to this post about podcast statistics for ideas!