10 Items Wedding Planners Need in Their Wedding Day Emergency Kits

By Sharonhill @sharonhill

Wedding season is here. Is your Wedding Day Emergency Kit ready for a busy season? Don’t just look at the checklists of wedding day items a bride needs in her kit to fill yours, you need to be prepared for many more mishaps than your brides do.

Here are 10 items that should be in your emergency kit that brides may not have in theirs:

1) Nipple Covers

Sometimes brides and bridesmaids don’t know how much they may be revealing until they get ready on the wedding day. You can get disposable ones at bridal shops and online.

2) Contact lens solution

Eyes can get dry wearing contact lens on a long day so it’s helpful to have some solution on hand along with eye drops in single–use vials.

3) Crochet hook for button and loop closures

While many wedding gowns have zippers and just appear to have real button and loop closures, there are still dresses that need to be fastened in this way. A crochet hook will help you accomplish the task quickly.

4) Handheld garment steamer

This will quickly help get out wrinkles without running the risk of a hot iron ruining an article of clothing.

5) Instant shoe shine sponge

This sponge with clear oil quickly cleans and polishes leather and vinyl of all colors. Perfect if members of the groom’s party forget to polish their shoes. (You can get these at a supermarket, drug store or online.)

6) Cell phone charger

A must-have in case your wedding party or your team forgets to charge their phone the night before the wedding.

7) Binder clips

These have two purposes, you use them to shorten tablecloths if the venue or your linen rental company doesn’t supply the correct length. And, during the photo session, use them to cinch a dress or jacket so they look fitted.

8) Ring bearer pillow

In case the wedding party forgets, it’s smart to have a pillow available along with a pair of fake wedding rings.

9) Clear, double-faced fashion or wig tape

This will stop strapless dresses from slipping, repair drooping hems and help anchor necklines that may be revealing more that intended.

10) Swiss Army Knife

A pocket utility knife that has a pair of scissors, nail file, nail clipper and toothpick should help you through many mishaps. If you get one with a screwdriver instead of a knife, you can take it with you when you fly.

Clean your kit after every wedding and replace any items that you used. If you take care of it after every wedding, you won’t run the risk of missing something you really need in future.

And you can learn more about starting and running your wedding planning business in my Free Special Report “7 Steps to Becoming a Top Wedding Planner.” You can get it here.