10 Healthy Asian Noodles For Your Pasta Cravings

By Thefoodiecoupleblog

There's nothing like a hot steaming bowl of your favorite bowl of spicy noodles in a simmering broth. But if you are trying to lose weight, it might not always be the best option. The good news is that just how bad the Asian noodles are depended on the type of noodles you use and the preparation method.

This article discusses 10 of the healthiest Asian noodles that are incredibly nutritious yet delicious that you can devour without guilt.

1. Glass Noodles

Glass noodles or dangmyeon are thin, transparent noodles made from sweet potato starch, giving a glassy look when cooked. Texture-wise, they are fun to cook with since they are more elastic and springy.

Glass noodles are sold dried and are usually used in stir-fries like the popular Korean dish, Japchae. When deep-fried, they can be served as a crispy snack. Glass noodles offer substantial health benefits as well. Since they are gluten-free, they are an excellent substitute for wheat noodles and can help you reduce weight.

Moreover, they also promote digestive and heart health while giving the body ample energy to function optimally.

2. Soba Or Buckwheat Noodles

Soba is Japanese for Buckwheat, a whole grain, highly nutritious seed. It is considered a superfood, and its noodles are typically made from buckwheat flour and water. Sometimes, refined wheat flour is also added to protect them from deteriorating.

These Japanese noodles have a long and thin appearance. They have a slightly nutty and earthy flavor, making them a delicious addition to salads and soups. They are also served cold, like in a cold soba salad, or hot in a delicious soba noodle soup.

Soba is particularly beneficial for folks with gluten sensitivity. They can also help protect against ailments like cancer, promote heart health, reduce inflammation, and lower cholesterol.

3. Ramen

Ramen noodles are a popular Japanese dish, but their origins can be traced back to China. The word ramen comes from two Chinese words; la, meaning to stretch, and mian, meaning noodles.

These noodles are made with wheat flour, eggs, and carbonated water, which gives them elasticity and a yellowish color. Ramen is enjoyed in various ways, including a popular dish, Sapporo ramen.

Ramen noodles are a rich source of protein. They can be made even healthier by adding more leafy greens and meat to get more iron and protein. You can also opt for adding spices rather than the seasoning packet and brands that offer low sodium content.

4. Rice Noodles

Rice noodles are a tastier and healthier alternative to wheat and yellow egg noodles. They are made with rice flour and water and look very similar to glass noodles in appearance.

Rice noodles come in wide varieties, including thick, thin, and flat rice noodles. Each variety is associated with an Asian signature dish. Typically these noodles are also neutral tasting, so they easily absorb the flavors of the sauce they are cooked with. Moreover, they bring a soft and chewy element to the bowl.

Rice noodles are a gluten-free alternative to wheat pasta varieties. They are also low in sodium, rich in selenium, and fortified with vitamin A which improves immunity and is great for your vision.

5. Chinese Vermicelli

Chinese vermicelli is also called cellophane noodles. They are made from the starch of potatoes, mung beans, or other plants and may appear clear or transparent.

Cellophane noodles are relatively easy to prepare and are used in a wide array of sweet and savory dishes. They can be used in soups, stir-fries, egg rolls, and even desserts. Like other noodles, they also offer little in terms of flavor but are quite delicate and thin.

Cellophane noodles are highly nutritious and a wonderful source of Vitamin B-6, potassium, fiber, and iron. Since they are fat and cholesterol free, they are a healthy option for those with heart problems and struggling with obesity.

6. Kelp Noodles

Kelp noodles are probably the healthiest option available for your Asian-inspired cooking. Made with seaweed, water, and salt, they are a perfect alternative for those on a vegan, low-carb diet.

Kelp noodles are made by steaming edible kelp and using the jelly-like extract in the process. These healthy noodles are semi-transparent in appearance and have a crunchy texture.

They require no cooking and are loaded with vitamins A, B, and C. Moreover, they can easily fit into a variety of diets as they are free from allergens, sugar, and calories.

7. Shirataki Noodles

Shirataki are Japanese noodles made from konjac, which is an Asian yam. They primarily consist of glucomannan which has impressive health benefits.

These noodles are also called miracle noodles due to their low-calorie content which is less than 20 percent per serving.

Appearance-wise, they look similar to glass noodles or vermicelli as they are thin and translucent. Shirataki is 97 percent water and are high in soluble viscous fiber, which can help you feel full, fight against inflammation, and boost immunity.

Moreover, they also help you lose weight, reduce blood sugar and insulin levels, and help fight against constipation.

8. Quinoa Noodles

Quinoa noodles are made from quinoa flour, which is also a great gluten-free alternative. Quinoa is an excellent source of nutrients and contains all the nine amino acids that are vital for your body.

Quinoa noodles are used in various pasta dishes and can be made even healthier by smartly picking ingredients, like adding more leafy greens and lean protein.

These noodles are rich in vitamins like vitamins B and E and iron. Quinoa is also high in fiber, has anti-inflammatory properties, and is excellent for promoting metabolic health.

9. Egg Noodles

Egg noodles are made of wheat flour and eggs and star in many Asian cuisines, including noodle soup and stir-fries.

They contain fewer calories than traditional pasta and are high in calcium. Egg noodles are more nutritious than pasta, offering more magnesium, iron, phosphorus, folate, and folic acid.

Homemade egg noodles will give you more control over the type of wheat flour and eggs you use. Choose the healthiest vegetables and meat to add to your bowl for a well-rounded, balanced meal.

10. Udon Noodles

Udon noodles are a type of Japanese noodles made from wheat flour, water, and salt, which makes them high in carbs and low in fat.

If portioned right, they can offer incredible health benefits alongside taste and flavor. These noodles are thick and chewy and often used in soups.

Noodles made from wheat flour are low in fat and cholesterol, while udon made with brown rice offer even more nutritional benefits. These noodles are full of vitamin B, which can help prevent colon cancer and manage stress.