10 Grocery Shopping Tips to Save Money

By Tanvi Rastogi @tanviidotcom

You know I love shopping at Farmer's Market for daily produce and condiments. Unfortunately, they are not open year round in this part of the country and also cannot rely on them for all the kitchen needs. A visit to the grocery store every week is mandatory no matter what. Below are some of the tips I apply while grocery shopping to stay within budget: 

1. Shop on a full stomachChances of sticking to your budget and to buying things that you need only are higher when you are not hungry. I speak from experience. I always carry a snack bar in my bag, for when I get hungry while I am on the go, but it also comes in handy in case I have to groceries before I have had a chance to grab a meal.
2. Shop only once a week.Every now and then you can make an exception but don't make going to the grocery store a habit. I will confess I personally love stopping at the grocery store but even when I do I stick to my list.
3. Go armed with a listWe all have smart phone now (I am guessing!) so there is no excuse to not have a list. Continue adding items to your list throughout the week and then stick to it while you are at the store.
4. Plan mealsKnow what you will be cooking over the course of the week. It will help you while grocery shopping and also reduce food waste and make life easier, which is just a bonus!
5. Spend some time doing food prep Once you have planned the menu for the week, do the washing and/or cutting up fruit and vegetables. This will speed up dinner and lunch preparations and provide healthy snacks that are ready to go.

[ Related : 10 Reasons To Shop At Farmer's Market6. Stock up on snacksDon’t buy snacks on the run. They are often less healthy and more expensive.
7. Buy non–food grocery items separatelyI never mix the two. I make an exclusive trip every quarter of the year just to get the home products and such and try not to mix it with the weekly grocery. Helps to plan and stay within the budget.
8. Shop with a calculatorUnless you are good with mental math, have a calculator or your phone handy. Add things up as you put them in your cart.
9. Continue to check for deals Don't buy something just because it is on sale or has a deal but also know your frequent purchases and make smart choices. Remember that smaller sizes can sometimes be a good deal. Do the math.

10. Clean out your fridge and cupboards Take out time once a month and take inventory of what you already have. Use up what you bought before buying more.

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