10 Free Best Business Name Generator Tools For a Perfect Business Name

Posted on the 22 October 2020 by Isaac Ss @onlinem13

So you’ve come up with a great business idea, and you’re looking for a unique business name generator for your new startup?

This article is for you.

Before exploring the best free business name generator tools, let’s find out how a unique business name contributes to business development and success.

The Significance of Business Names!

Many entrepreneurs often overlook their business name and prioritize it in the last when in actuality, they should do otherwise.

Fierce competition has rendered an exclusive business name a necessity for any business!

Why? Because people are more likely to reminisce a unique business name than an ordinary one. A distinctive business name grasps prospects’ attention instantly and encourages them to retain it in their memories for a longer period.

Google and Yahoo picked kooky words that don’t make much sense yet stand out. Kudos to these brands for taking a risk that worked wonders for them!

If your business name is misleading and unable to communicate what you offer, do you think it will hit the target sales and generate desired revenues? Of course not.

A compelling yet creative business name not only sets a great first impression but also persuades the prospects to make a purchase.

Now that we have educated you regarding the importance of having a creative business name, the question remains.

How do I find the PERFECT name for my startup?

This is where a business name generator comes in!

You will find a plethora of free business name generators on the internet.

We have saved you the hassle and combined the 10 best free business name generators to help you get the perfect name for your startup.

Benefits of using a business name generator

Before getting into our list of the 10 best business name generators, let’s have a look at the benefits of using a business name generator for a business.

A business name generator has many benefits, not just finding the right name for your brand, but it can help you like a hint to find what you’re looking for. These include:

  • Unique business name ideas:  A business name usually comes as a unique keyword for your business, depending on the search term you used in the business name generator.
  • Ideal brand name: Since you enter your idea business keywords in the business name generator, it ensures that business name ideas are directly related to your idea brand name.
  • Save time and money: Using a business name generator takes just a few minutes to input your idea brand name or keyword to get a potential business name using these free business name generators.
  • Search by niche: Niche-specific keywords ensure business ideas are fit well with your competitors.
  • Avoid copyright claims: The naming process only works with access to online servers and Artificial Intelligence. Name servers have the data of all the currently registered business names, and an AI is responsible for selecting creative names in your business niche except the already registered names.
  • Unique business name ideas: The naming process only works with access to online servers and Artificial Intelligence.

Without any further ado, let’s delve right into the top 10 list!

10 Best Free Business Name Generators in 2020

1. Zyro

The first business name generator on our list is the Zyro.

Zyro comes with myriads of business names based on the keyword you enter.

The tool ascertains that it satisfies its users most efficiently, enabling them to enter various queries to get more accurate results.

The best thing about Zyro is its ability to help users pick the best-suited name for their business. Explore valuable recommendations right below Zyro’s Business Name Generator, and confidently pick the ‘perfect’ name for your business.

Apart from suggesting suitable business names, Zyro provides services in logo designing and web designing niche, making it an all-inclusive platform for all your essential business needs.

Zyro comprises an intuitive set of flexible tools that craft compelling logo designs and websites that scream credibility and professionalism.

The cherry on top, you get to enjoy all these services for FREE!

2. Shopify

Are you looking for an exclusive business name for your new online store? Shopify business name generator is here to help.

Shopify asks the type of your online business and suggests unique business names accordingly.

Suppose you are planning to create an ecommerce store online for women’s apparel. In that case, you will enter ‘clothing’ in the ‘store type’ box, and it will provide you a plethora of distinctive business names optimized for that specific category.

The only downside of the Shopify business name generator is that you can enter just one query, resulting in limited business names.

The Shopify Business name generator comes with another exciting service known as the exchange market. It provides users with amazing store options along with the business names – saving their efforts and time.

After deciding the business name, the next immediate thing an entrepreneur worries about is setting up the store from scratch.

Shopify Business name generator does that work for you – ensuring maximum convenience and flexibility to the users.

3. Oberlo

Are you looking for a creative yet compelling business name for your new startup?

Oberlo’s business name generator is here to help!

Shopify’s subsidiary, Oberlo, is a brilliant business name generator that suggests exclusive business names, especially for drop shipping businesses.

Oberlo works pretty much like Shopify. However, the names suggested by both business name generators differ slightly from each other.

Oberlo saves all the hassle and helps users set up their businesses.

All you have got to do is click your desired business name, amongst many others, and Oberlo will redirect you to their sign-up page.

Your selected business name will not be reserved. You will need to register it manually through the registration procedure.

The only downside of the Oberlo Business name generator is that the tool doesn’t suggest a good variety of unique business names.

Often, it feels like the tool randomly adds words to the searched keyword or keywords.

4. BusinessNameGenerator

Popularly known for its industry filter and result filter, businessnamegenerator.com has helped several businesses establish a strong brand identity. And therefore, it ranks amongst the ’10 best free business name generators’ category.

According to the business category and niche, many users laud the tool to tailor search preferences to generate the most relevant business names.

However, it works on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. We warn you to have a strong internet connection, so you instantly select and lock your desired business name.

With businessnamegenerator.com, you can browse thousands of business names and check their domain availability simultaneously.

You will also find many premium logo designs that you can use for your business and save a thousand dollars you would have invested in a design agency otherwise.

Even though the tool provides maximum convenience to its users, it exhibits thousands of ads that frustrate some users, persuades them to abandon this tool, and try other business name generators.

Other than this tiny drawback, the tool works perfectly. We highly recommend you to try it.

5. Nameboy

Nameboy is, by far, the most prominent business name generator amidst all the business name generators in the market.

The tool comes with an understandable interface and produces efficient business name suggestions.

Just type in your keyword, click submit and let ‘Nameboy’ do its magic! Within a few seconds, you will be introduced to thousands of unique domain names based on your keyword(s).

For instance, you are thinking of creating a website for your Italian restaurant and can’t find the ‘perfect’ name.

Just type ‘Italian restaurant’ or anything that is most relevant to your Italian restaurant. Here is how you will see thousands of domain name suggestions.

You can pick the best-suited one from here. Don’t worry if you don’t find your ‘perfect’ name amongst the thousand suggestions. Just try searching again using different words and phrases to get more accurate results.

After picking your preferred business name, click on the ‘view details’ button to check the domain’s availability. You can manually register your blog name and get hosting services via the Bluehost website.

6. Wordoid

The next one on our list is Wordoid.

Wordoid is a smart business name generator that has provided unique names for several businesses and helped them establish a strong brand identity.

The best thing about Wordoid is its ability to generate high-quality domain suggestions within 15 letters. All you have got to do is enter your keyword, pick the quality level and the language. You can select multiple languages of your choice.

Upon entering these details, Wordoid will generate thousands of business name suggestions while showing their availability.

Wordoid is a free business name generator, and therefore, we highly recommend it to new business startups with a low budget.

If you wish to see your previous search history, you will have to sign in using your Facebook and Google ID. But that isn’t something unusual since most business name generators come with this obligation.

7. Panabee

Come up with a brilliant business idea, enter the word that best describes it, and let Panabee do the rest of the work for you!

Panabee is yet another amazing business name generator that comprises several unique names for all businesses. Be it an organization’s name, social media username, or any other platform requiring a strong reputation, Panabee got you covered.

The tool operates just like all the other business name generators. However, it comes with a slight exception. The tool asks you to define your business in ‘just two words specifically.’

If you are looking for a creative name for your marketing blog, you may enter ‘digital marketing’ in the box. Panabee will come up with the best business names to provide you accurate yet authentic results.

As you can see above, the list shows blue hearts and broken red hearts. While the blue hearts denote that the domains are available for registration, the broken red hearts imply that the website names are already taken.

However, if you find the ‘perfect’ name for your business and it’s taken, you can purchase it as premium domains.

Such a creative way to communicate domains’ availability! We are sure you will agree.

8. DomainWheel

DomainWheel is an amazing AI-powered business name generator that comes with a plethora of customization options.

The creative yet compelling business name generator ensures maximum convenience to its users.

The greatest part about the tool is it suggests thousands of ‘available’ business names. So, you get a comprehensive list of available domains to choose the best one for your business.

Let’s talk about how it works.

Think of the different words that best describe your business. You can use different phrases or even a single word. Press the ‘search domain’ button, and let DomainWheel do the rest of the work for you.

The results are shown in three different ways. While the first category comprises top domains, including .com, .net, and .org, the second category suggests domainwheel’s own generated names.

The third category shows three different kinds of suggestions: names sounding like your keyword, rhyming with your keywords, and random business name suggestions.

Upon pressing the ‘suggest business names’ button, you will be redirected to the Bluehost website to claim and purchase your new domain – saving your time and ensuring maximum convenience.

Now that’s the kind of business name generator you should use! Right?

9. Blog Name Generator by ThemeIsle

The newest addition to the business name generator category, Blog name generator by ThemeIsle, has left everyone impressed with its super flexible features.

The tool is extraordinary and gleams perfection.

It has been designed after conducting extensive research on the existing business name generators in the market.

The tool has integrated all the current business name generators’ best features and packed them into a super comprehensible user interface.

To get a perfect name for your blog business, enter the relevant keywords in the box. Make sure you entered keywords that perfectly describes your business niche.

After a while, you will be exposed to thousands of unique business name suggestions, along with a few premium alternatives. These comprise of existing high-quality websites that look and sound better than the others.

Just click on the button placed next to your best-suited business name to land on the Bluehost website.

The Bluehost website comes with two options. You can either claim the domain through their manual registration process or claim it for free as a bonus along with a web hosting package.

10. Novanym

The last one on our’ best business name generators’ list is Novanym.

Novanym takes your keywords and churns out unique business names, using the latest AI technology, which complements your business category and niche.

With Novanym, you can tell the style of the name you want, and it will generate results according to that. How cool is that?

With every business name suggested, the tool shows three potential logo designs that can work with the business name.

Unlike most business name generators, Novanym doesn’t contain keywords in their suggestions. Instead, they display creative names that not only complement your business category but the niche it operates in.

They offer business names and relevant logos at premium prices. Novanym already registers the domains with .com extensions. You can purchase them and make them yours.

If you like any of the names chosen by Novanym, but you don’t want to purchase it at a premium price, you will be introduced to a couple of options. You can make changes to the name by modifying its spelling or adding keywords, or you can even choose a different extension such as .org or .net.

These three notable features of Novanym helps them stand apart and strong amidst other business name generators in the market.

Novanym comes with maximum convenience and flexibility, which can hardly be found in any other business name generator.

How to choose the best name for your business?

There are lots of businesses with mediocre names that no one digs or means to do business with. To avoid being in such a category of mediocrity, the best way to finding your business name is to follow certain steps:

  1. Analyze Your competitors.
  2. Avoid typical naming mistakes.
  3. Think unique, one of a kind.
  4. Easy to remember: Keep it short.

A business always aims to please its customers, so you should always consider what will be in the customer’s interests when naming your business.

Final Thoughts on The Best Free Business Name Generators

An exclusive business name massively contributes to the success of a business.

Suppose you want your prospective customers to remember and recommend you to others.

In that case, you must come up with an unbeatable business name that not only sets a great impression but clearly communicates your business objectives and offerings.

The process of coming up with a striking business name can be overwhelming.

Use these free business name generators to help you get the perfect name for your business.

Don’t restrict yourself to just one business name generator. Explore through multiple business name generators, use various keywords and phrases, and vigilantly pick the best business name accordingly.

Last Updated on May 6, 2021 by Isaac Ss