10 Fab Things on the Way to Fifty

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

10 Fab Things About Turning 50

Who ever thought they would reach 50? Do you remember as a kid thinking 50 was old? I hadn’t given it much thought until turning 49.  Then it started to hit. Age 50 comes fast! There are so many wonderful things to look forward to along the way.

Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

10 Reasons Why 50 Will Be Fabulous

  1. You no longer care what others really think. After all you are in charge of your destiny and your life now. Who cares what your neighbor or co-worker thinks anymore? Back in high school you worried what everyone thought. No longer the case, you can now relax being you!
  2. You like spending time alone. You no longer have to be in someone’s company to be happy. The older I get the more I enjoy spending time alone. (Maybe because I have Twitter, LOL)
  3. You can still let your hair grow long. Remember the old wives tales about having it cut short by 40? No longer necessary. I thought by 40 I would go short but as each year went on I thought I’m not ready yet. At 49 it’s still not short – still not ready.
  4. You do not feel 50.  Many say that 50 is the new 40. Really? There is even a Pinterest board all geared towards it called 50 is the new 40. No wonder I do not feel any older. I still feel 18. Scientists say we are aging slower than before.
  5. You don’t care as much about your weight. Not that you want to gain weight and become heavier but you don’t dwell on every pound. You do your best to eat right and exercise but you don’t obsess about it anymore. You realize life is too short.
  6. You value your time more. You realize how life short is and value your time more each day. What is it you want to do? Or what is it that you want to do for others? You realize time is not infinite and do more of that “stuff.”
  7. You finally know how to put on make-up. Some gals may grasp it sooner but by 50 you know what looks good on you and how to apply it in a jiffy. You don’t have to look into the mirror and try different shades, etc. anymore.
  8. You finally wear shoes for comfort. Yes, even in heels. You know what shoes will fit you right and not pinch your toes or hurt your feet. Why go for pain when you can walk in comfort?
  9. You dress for comfort too! You still want to look good, don’t get me wrong but again comfort wins out by 50. Comfort doesn’t mean looking like a granny by any means.
  10. You accept yourself. By 50 you begin to accept yourself and your flaws. You can move on. You can stay friend with those that you want to and not stay friends that don’t bring joy to your life.

50 will be much better than the teen years. Remember back to those days and you will appreciate heading into 50 and beyond. They are really all just numbers. It’s  all about our attitudes and what’s in our minds that gives us our real age.

If you are on the way to 50 are you looking forward to it or dreading it? If you already reached and past it was turning 50 really so bad?