10 Essentials Jams for Your Bbq

Posted on the 04 July 2014 by Thewildhoneypie @thewildhoneypie

10 essential jams 620x426 10 ESSENTIALS JAMS FOR YOUR BBQ

Summer’s here! The weather’s scorching, friends wanna get turnt and it’s time to fire up the grill — just in time for the backyard parties that our great nation’s independence mandates (Article 2, Section 11: Congress shall make no law forbidding  the getting down of all Americans every 4th of July). Bask in these ten festival jams during your awesome barbecue:

1. How to Dress Well — “Repeat Pleasure”

Compared to past HTDW releases, the vocals on “Repeat Pleasure” are mixed to be more up front. This brings out Tom Krell’s sensational, intimate, blue-eyed soul cadences, which makes the song glisten with summery beauty and freshness.

2. Wavves — “Post Acid”

Hectic melodic punk from some of the best-haired brosephs in all of rock music.

3. Japandroids — “Young Hearts Spark Fire”

Despite the major key lively guitars, “Young Hearts” centers around a depressing, afflicted mantra: “Now we worry about dying/I don’t wanna worry about dying.” It’s a painful, but brutally awesome summer jam.

4. The Drums — “Money”

Remember when “Money” was buzzing hard through the blogosphere a few years ago? Bring back that 2011 indie nostalgia with The Drums’ post-punk lament about being broke.

5. Notorious B.I.G. — “Juicy”

This is the epitome of East Coast hip hop’s golden age.

6. Pavement — “Here (Peel Session 1)”

It’s more booming and passionate than the Slanted and Enchanted version, and all your friends will be complimenting you for being able to find such a deep Pavement cut.

7. Lambchop — “Gone Tomorrow”

Lambchop paints a heavenly alt-country landscape with tranquil guitar patterns and solacing violins.

8. Haim — “Falling”

These trendy sisters make some groovy, blissful indie rock. “Falling” is an amazing encapsulation of effervescent 80s pop music at its best.

9.  De La Soul — “Stakes is High”

Another great track. Its downtempo vibes are great for mellowing out the partayyy.

10. Ariana Grande ft. Iggy Azalea — “Problem”

Oh come on. Why not?