10 Easy Ways To Unwind This Weekend

By Dressmeupbuttercup @hazelsalcedo

There are times that you feel like you deserve a break, and let that be this weekend! Here are 10 relaxing things to do to keep your mind off stress, deadlines and whatnot. 

1. Get a mani/pedi/spa

Being pampered in the salon, with soothing background music, and vanilla scent in the room… ahhh relaxing indeed! Plus pretty polished nails are instant pick-me-upper! 

2. Exercise!

Move those lazy booty sister! Aside from the weight loss benefit of exercising, it also helps release happy hormones aka endorphins. There are tons of workout routines in Pinterest, and yes, I do it at home. And so can YOU! 

3. Read a book

Of anything you fancy, really! Currently I’m reading Stylized: Liz Uy’s Ten Style Essentials. I’ve been putting this book off for months now, and this weekend, hopefully I’ll get to finish it. Haha! Not that it’s not good, it’s actually interesting and I’m learning a lot from it! 

4. Pamper you hair

Allot an hour this weekend to show some TLC to your crowning glory! Try Tresseme Hair Mask and once you applied a generous amount onto damp hair, seal it with a shower cap for an hour before rinsing. 

5. Exfoliate your face

Who got time to exfoliate during weekdays? I’m sure by the time you get home, all you want to do is collapse on your bed. #guilty. But this weekend, go ahead and do your face some favor by applying exfoliating peel or mask or if you feel like DIY-ing, refer to the image above.

6. Watch a movie or catch up on your fave series

TFIOS is now showing! Ready your tissue. Or if that’s not your cup of tea, go on and do some marathon of GOT, Breaking Bad, or True Blood. 

7. Eat cupcake

Or any of your comfort food! Let this weekend be a guilt-free, eat-anything kind of weekend. Provided you’ll do #2, that is. 

8. Sleep

Catch some zzz! You’ll feel more energized after a good long sleep! 

9. Clean your room! 

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I find it therapeutic cleaning my room. Maybe I find it more relaxing when I see clean, breathable space right back again. 

10. Smile!

Don’t let your problems consume you. Smile and just let go. :)

Share in the comment section how you relax on weekends!