10 Easy Ways For The Busy Bride To Stay Fit (& Gym Isn’t Required!)

By Dreamtechie

March 28th, 2016

It is soon going to be that big day of your life and you have a long list to do. You have to get your shopping done, buy new accessories and work-out to stay fit for your wedding. Here we are with some most amazing ways those are going to help you a lot in maintaining your fitness without going to GYM.

    Stay active in general - So your office in on the second floor but you still take the lift. The grocery store is the next lane but you prefer home-delivery. Did you know that the basic physical activity of taking a walk is all that you need to stay fit? A 30 minutes of walk per day can help you maintain a healthy well-being.
Excess Sugar = Excess Calories. Therefore focus on voluntarily and consciously avoiding oversweet beverages and food items
    Consume ample fruits - Fruits are rich in antioxidants- compounds that have numerous health benefits.
    Watch your calorie intake - Exercise will yield minimal benefit if you gorge food without watching the calorie intake. Watching calories is simple and it definitely works in helping you stay fit.
Image - Wikimedia.org
    Avoid excess meat consumption - There are various types of meat which have a varying quantity of Fat. One should avoid red meat, which is usually from mammals, instead have lean meat from poultry and fish.
    Consume lots of water - Water is a natural detoxifier.
    Consume meals on-time - Avoid skipping meals and never forget to have a meal on the appropriate time. Delaying or Skipping meals can cause abnormal food absorption by the body thus causing more food to get converted into fat.
    Interact and socialize - Don't cut-off yourself because of the pressure of becoming a bride. You are still the same woman. Meet-up with pals, share your feelings, exchange love texts and spend time with loved ones. This will all help you have a lighter heart.
    Healthy mind for a healthy body - While you work hard to stay physically fit it is also important to stay mentally fit. This means staying calm and not be anxious. It might seem an overstatement, but as you approach the big wedding day your mind might fill with thoughts borne from a mix of excitement, tension and apprehension. Your mind ultimately resides in your body and what you think affects can affect your health and fitness. Thus the best thing to do is stay mentally calm. Read positive things - like good books or light-hearted content like these simple yet sweet love poems.
Thanks for reading us here. Do share your fav. fitness trick though comment section. Mine is - green Tea.