10 Easy Tips For Saving Water in the Bathroom

By Jakemontgomery @LTDOnlineStores

Saving water is easy, and learning how to save water is even easier with all the resources available online. If you are eager to start conserving, either for the sake of the environment or your monthly water bill, the bathroom is a great place to start making water conscious decisions. The only hard part is applying yourself daily to make better choices for water conservation in the bathroom. These choices can eventually have a long term impact on our natural water supply. California is already enduring a historical drought and residents are doing everything they can to encourage conservation. Take the lessons they have learned and apply them to your daily bathroom routine. These useful bathroom tips for water conservation will help lower that monthly water bill.

1. Save Water While Bathing

When taking a bath, fill the tub only halfway to avoid water spilling over. Also, don’t wait for the water to get hot before plugging the drain. Plug the drain first and adjust the temperature as the tub fills. This can save lots of water in the long run. If it takes too long for the water to heat up in the morning, consider saving the cold water by catching it with a bucket and using it in the garden or watering household plants.

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2. Install WaterSense Shower Heads

Showerheads that are labeled as WaterSense are more water efficient than the average shower head. Keep an eye out for these types when shopping for a new shower head.

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3. Install a Steam Shower

Steam showers use the power of steam to keep clean but they are also very water efficient. They use less water than a traditional shower and are very relaxing to use.

Marcus Premium Steam Shower

4. Lower Shower Time

One of the best places to make a difference is in the shower. This is the place where many people waste water for personal use more than anywhere else. Every minute less of shower time means 150 gallons less of water wasted per month. For homeowners, this also leads to a dramatic reduction in the water bill.

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5. Don’t Leave Shower Running

Instead of letting the shower run, turn it off while lathering up and washing hair. If it’s annoying to have to constantly readjust the temperature, look for shower heads with quick shut off valves.

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6. Hang Bath Towels to Dry

Instead of washing towels after every use, hang them up to dry in an open space, such as on a clothesline. This way they can be reused on a daily basis and still feel dry and crisp.

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7. Check for Leaks

Check water sources in the bathroom regularly for leaks and slow drips. While it may not seem like much, a small drip can waste plenty of water. Call a plumber or handyman if it is not an easy fix.

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8. Install Water Aerators

Water aerators on bathroom faucets are a very effective way to save water. They reduce water waste by limiting the flow of water. Aerators also save energy by limiting the flow of hot water, thus using less.

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9. Save Water While Shaving

Gather a bit of water in the sink for cleaning the razor off while shaving. This is much better than using running water to rinse off shavings. The savings in water is much more than you’d expect.

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10. Turn Off the Faucet

Don’t leave the water running while brushing teeth and washing hands.

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Don’t forget to do your part while spending time in the bathroom. Conservation is more important than ever and California needs our help. Let’s all do our part by following these water saving tips.

Our selection of steam showers are all designed to be water efficient. Dual flush toilets such as the Mellona White Dual Flush Toilet use less water when flushing liquids compared to solids.

Mellona Dual Flush Toilet

About the Author

Cheryl Khan is an aspiring interior designer and contributes to the Trade Winds Imports Blog. She is passionate about interior design and conservation. Follow her on Twitter for the latest design news.