10 Creative DIY Projects

By Vixenmade @vixenMade
As I was sorting through my pin boards the other day, I realized how many fabulous DIY projects I had pinned. It actually made me want to dive right in!

So I figured I'd shared with all of you, just in case you haven't seen any of them and maybe you need a little inspiration.  Either way, enjoy the eye candy!!

10 Creative DIY Projects
Thumbtack Vase Fillers by Landee See, Landee Do

Stacked End Table Shelf from Infarrantly Creative

10 Creative DIY Projects
Half Dipped Glitter Jar by The Sweetest Occasion

DIY Beaded Chandelier from Dollar Store Crafts

Casserole Carriers from Taylor Made

DIY Faux Bois Pillow from Mad In Crafts

Funky Frame from Not JUST a Housewife

Radiator Grate Earring Holder from I Heart Organizing

Instant Mirror from Grosgrain Fabulous

How to print on burlap from Domestically Speaking

Hope you feel the need to create or DIY something, too!  Have fun!