10 Best Website Builders to Start Your Small Business Website in 2021

Posted on the 19 October 2020 by Isaac Ss @onlinem13

Choosing the best website builder from the many options on the market today can be challenging. Depending on your requirements, options can be narrowed down to a few that fit your business needs.

Whether you’re looking for the best website builder for a small business, an online store, cheap or free options, this article ranks and reviews the best site builders based on ease of use, support, SEO, templates, Webhosting, and more.

Your business website is not only influenced by the niche you operate in; there are other factors involved too.

You may be a food blogger who wants to share amazing food experiences with everyone, or maybe a travel blogger who is excited to share his travel stories.

With the help of these 10 best website builders that specifically aim to cater to small businesses, you will be able to craft a robust online presence amidst the other frontrunners in your respective niche.

These website builders help you craft a well-structured website conveniently and cost-efficiently.

Although all website builders do more or less the same thing, they all comprise unique features and qualities. That’s what encouraged me to write this blog.

Without any further ado, let’s get started!

Disclaimer: Please note that this article contains affiliate links that I may receive a small compensation at no cost to you if you choose to purchase a paid plan from a link on this page. However, these are the best website builders  I have personally tested for launching a website.

What is the Best Website builders for small business?

I have gathered some of the best website builders to instantly help new businesses, with minimum budget and technical expertise, craft engaging websites!

It’s important to understand each website builder’s different elements to select the best suited for your business.  For this reason, I have ensured to cover even the tiniest details about these website builders.

1. Wix

Wix is a powerful website-building tool that has powered many websites around the globe. Even if you are only starting up with a website developing gig, Wix can help you get up to speed in no time.

You need to play around with relevant colors and typefaces that depict your business objectives and core values for a winning website.

Wix comprises over 500 designer-written templates that breathe life into your website.

Wix provides a friendly interface with an easy-to-understand dashboard and grants access to 100s of build-in elements to choose from.

Wix makes sure that your website looks stunning in the eyes of your users.

Best Features in Wix

We present you with some prominent features that help it stand out amongst the other website builders.

  •  Beautiful templates

According to Wix, there are around 500 custom-made templates to choose from. There is a template for almost all types of business.

Whether you are opening a bakery, automobile shop, or grocery shop, there a template that helps you do that, thus saving you a great deal of time.

  • Design freedom

It’s the need of the hour to have a website builder that is open to customization. From building a website from scratch to making tweaks to any existing webpage, Wix got it all covered.

The Wix customization feature’s best thing is that all changes are manageable with a simple drag and drop method. The main goal of a website builder is to make people’s life easier during web development.

  • SEO optimization

Wix offers SEO-optimized plans for your business to make it visible on Google as per the best practices.

Not only that, but you can tweak on each nook and corner to further improve the SEO for your Wix website. It’s considered one of the main elements of website builders, especially for small businesses.

Try Wix Free

2. WordPress.com

WordPress is one of the best free website builders.

The amazing tool has helped several businesses to establish a strong online presence in the digital space. Around 90% of the websites are operating on WordPress.

Amongst all the outstanding features, WordPress is most lauded for its super convenient and flexible Content Management System!

Even the established businesses use WordPress.com to boost their website performance and presence. BBC America, Sony Music, and Toyota Motors Brazil are some of the few notable names.

Best Features in WordPress

WordPress.com embodies amazing features that ensure seamless and smooth user experiences. WordPress understands that each business has its own set of requirements, and it’s vital to fulfilling these within a single spot.

Some of the spotlight for the best features provided by WordPress are listed down below.

  • Mobile-Friendly Themes

The real power of website builders comes when provided themes are mobile-friendly.

Smartphones and tablets are visiting around 70% of the websites. It implies that the UI/UX for the website should equip with mobile-first technology, such as CSS3 and HTML5.

  • Plugins

Thanks to WordPress.com’s robust community, there are a lot of 3rd party solutions known as Plugins. These plugins aim to help your website reach unlimited power.

Thanks to these plugins, you can have almost any feature possible without writing a single line of code.

  • Build-in Google Analytics

Usually, it’s a common practice to copy-paste the Google analytics code over your website headers. People find this practice quite troublesome as it comes under the technical department.

Thanks to WordPress.com, that is no more the case.  You’re set once you create your account on Google Analytics and point it towards your WordPress.com account.

3. Bigcommerce

Bigcommerce is best-known for its drag and drop interface that has made many users’ lives easier.

Bigcommerce is considered the most influential amongst several website builders that uniquely craft a full-fledged website for you within a few clicks – ensuring maximum convenience.

Bigcommerce has made the hassle-full job of building a website a piece of cake. Thanks to several customizable themes to choose from, your eCommerce site is all within reach.

Categories from Gardening to Toys & Games, there’s a template for each small business. It greatly helps you to increase your user base within the online spectrum.

Best Features in Bigcommerce

The power of an online store lies within the features that website builders provide. Bigcommerce understands no more than anyone else that 3rd party features are a must-have for every website.

We have listed some of the useful features which make Bigcommerce one of the best website builders for small businesses.

  • Store Management

The first thing that every eCommerce owner will face is a robust system of Store management. Bigcommerce understands this and has done the necessary work to give you the best solution for inventory management.

As the devil is in the detail of this system, Bigcommerce provides many features to its users. Some of these are better UI, customer group identification, and seller categorization.

  • Expert Custom Support

There will be times when you would need the help of an expert to help build your website. Bigcommerce provides industry-recognized experts through their support features available 24/7.

According to Bigcommerce official website, around 85% of issues are directly solved through a phone call. While the remaining issues are solvable with the intervene of an expert’s help directly.

Try Bigcommerce

4. Elementor

Elementor is one of the most powerful website builders for WordPress websites. Through the drag and drop feature method, you can create a professional website for any business type.

Having an Elementor website builder for your WordPress will equate you as a full-time website developer.

While maintaining the highest functionality, usability, and quality, you can develop almost all types of websites with Elementor.

Best Features in Elementor

The Elementor website builder works as a plugin for WordPress. It requires you first to install WordPress over your custom hosting.

Below we have listed some of the top-rated features available within the Elementor domain.

  • Add on plugins

Elementor comes with all the essential features to help you build an amazing website.

However, most of you will agree that there is always something more needed to unlock the website’s true potential.

Elementor is an open-source plugin, which paves the way for more add-ons to enhance its ability as one of the world’s best website builders. Features like creative elements, custom searches, and other elements work to improve your website.

  • Mobile friendly customization

There are hardly any website builders with individual customization for the mobile screen and tablets.

Elementor provides an easy to work feature all within the click and drag system to build your website among the top-rated website.

  • User-made Templating

Through Elementor website builders, you can build your templates and use them throughout your website.

Not only that but with the templating feature active, you can reuse the same code over again. This feature opens the true potential of a highly customized website development process.

Try Elementor Free

5. Square Space

Squarespace turns your website into a money-making machine within a few simple steps. Thanks to the intuitive set of flexible tools that comes along with it.

Being an online website builder, the real selling point is to craft an engaging website that screams credibility and professionalism.

Squarespace comes with several professional templates specially designed for small businesses. You can pick your preferred tools and set up your own customized workspace to build the website.

Once you’re all done with that, a single button press will publish your website for everyone to use.

Best Features in Square Space

Squarespace considers one of the popular website builders for small businesses. Let’s see what features make it among the best website builder tools available online.

  • Starter layouts

Some people want to design a website from a stretch but don’t like to spend a lot of time like a traditional coder. For them, starter layouts make their work a lot easier and, above all, faster.

Through the pre-defined layouts provided, you can showcase your content and text over these layouts. Ensuring to build a custom-looking website as per your liking.

  • Fonts from Google and Typekit

Fonts are considered an important ingredient to make your website more professional and beautiful. But using them is a technical end work. Not if you’re using Squarespace.

Thanks to Squarespace’s partnering with Toolkits and Google Fonts, you can use it simply with a few clicks.

  • Custom CSS and Style Editor

A website’s beautification depends on one thing, CSS.

A website builder needs to have the customizable feature active so it becomes easy for a non-techie. Squarespace has covered both elements without a hitch.

Through Style editor, most of the content and images are controllable. As for the extra customize touch, there’s custom CSS to your rescue.

6. Weebly

Weebly comprises all the essential elements needed to create a professional website.

From customizable templates that can be tailored according to your business requisitions to effective page-building tools, Weebly comprises amazing tools that perfectly cater to all your Ecommerce needs.

Weebly also looks after your marketing needs to beef up your sales and conversions.

Powered by renowned payment method Square, Weebly is reliable when setting up an eCommerce website for your business.

Best Features in Weebly

Talking about the eCommerce website builders, Weebly has it all. Let’s see some of the essential features of the Weebly website builder.

  • Online gallery creation

A website without a gallery is soulless. Whether you are showcasing your products or portfolio, the gallery boosts the potential for greater sales. Or at least your website’s bounce rate will drastically reduce, which is essential for SEO.

  • Integrated shopping cart and checkout

A payment gateway is essential for an online store, and to that end, Weebly has got you covered. With the best payment methods, shopping cart setup, and integrated checkout page, your website is all set to become the next fortune 500.

  • Web hosting

Being an online website builder, it provides free hosting and domain features for the customer. Or you can pay to get their dedicated address with an online store all within one go through Weebly.

Try Weebly

7. Shopify

Shopify is one of the best website builders for small businesses, especially if you wish to start an online store.

Shopify comes with a plethora of useful features that immensely contributes to developing a strong online presence.

You can start using Shopify for 14 days without paying anything and assess whether it fulfills all your business requirements and requisitions.

Best Features in Shopify

The main selling point for Shopify is its features. A few of them are explained below.

  • Multiple Sales channel

There are times when you need to sell your goods on multiple platforms, but neither have time or workforce to do it.

To solve this issue, Shopify aims to provide Social selling platform controlled through one window operation. Some of these channels include Instagram, Facebook, Amazon, Messenger, and the custom buy button.

  • 3rd Party apps

Like there are plugins for WordPress website builder, we have apps for Shopify. Apps help to increase the effectiveness of an online store, which ultimately makes your store leads to better sales.

To use Shopify API, various apps help to access it without any reservation. To translate your online store to an actual mobile app, having access to APIs are essential.

8. Webnode

With over 40+ million users worldwide, Webnode is a great website builder that creates your website in a few minutes.

With more than 100 custom-made templates available, a small business could take benefit from Webnote.

Webnode provides some essential features like SEO optimization, online store, support, and live chat.

Webnode is free with no limitation on days. It provides an amazing opportunity for small businesses to jump right under the bandwagon of successful websites.

Best Features in Webnode

Some of the highly commendable features of Webnode are listed below:

  • Auto backup

One haunting fact remains for every website owner is to see their website being hacked and removed. Webnode makes sure that both of these dangers are never dealt with for you and your small business.

Webnode provides auto backups for your website, with regular updates and a restoration process. Your website can be restored with previously known revisions, whether you or some hacker has messed with your website.

  • Business Email account

Webnode allows domain and hosting both for your small business. With up to 100 email account limits, you can create your emails with your business domain name because, professionally speaking, no business is completed without it.

  • Free photos

Talking about the design element for your Webnode website builder, it provides a large stock of free and professional stock photos for your website out of the shelf.

9. Jimdo

Jimdo has significantly contributed to the creation of several professional websites.

Jimdo is most lauded for its user-friendly interface and flexible tools that have enabled many people to create websites for FREE!

Not just for a simple website but for an online store, Jimdo seems to be equipped with all the necessary elements that ultimately improve your business to grow better. And that’s what earned it a place amongst the best website builders.

Best Features in Jimdo

Jimdo website builder has managed to attract millions of users and small business owners to use it for their website creation. Some of the features provided by Jimdo is listed below:

  • Forever free

Many website builders provide a free version with limited days, which adds a bit of frustration for small businesses looking to try it for the first time.

That’s not the case for Jimdo, and with the free forever feature, you can start using Jimdo with over 500MB free storage.

  • Logo creation

Business needs an attractive logo for their branding regime.

Jimdo has taken care of you in this department through its online logo creator site. You can now get your logo designed by you all within your budget.

10. Strikingly

Strikingly is adored by many website owners!

Strikingly is a free, user-friendly website builder featuring all the necessary tools needed to create a website.

Used by over a million users worldwide, Strikingly claims to build a professional website in merely 30 minutes.

Best Features in Strikingly

Thanks to some out-of-the-shelf features, Strikingly managed to increase its popularity over the years. Some of the features are listed below.

  • Lead creating engagements

Your users can become a customer with some extra work, included with some lead creating features. Whether it’s signup forms, newsletter, popup features, or emails, all are provided by Strikingly out of the box.

  • HTTPS build in

A website is both preferred by Google and humans if it’s secured. Strikingly enable its own generated SSL certificate to make your domain protected.

  • Social Feed

Major social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter come with their own feed solutions that can be used anywhere on your website.

With Strikingly, you can flaunt your social media posts on your website.


Use these website builders to create a strong online presence in the digital space.

Remember, The first impression is the last.

With these website builders’ help, you can craft a professional website and set a great first impression on your audience.

There’s always an option to hire a professional web design and development agency. Still, we strongly suggest these website builders that deliver well-structured websites within a low budget or even free of cost.

These website builders are a sure-fire way to build an effective online presence without worrying about having money, sound knowledge about coding, and experience in the web designing field.

Last Updated on February 24, 2021 by Isaac Ss