10 Best Outdoor Christmas Lights to Make Your Home Sparkle

Posted on the 20 September 2021 by Abjadoon

You know it is Christmas time when you see the twinkling lights on houses up and down your street. It's not only a beautiful sight but also one that will make you want to go out and buy some Christmas decorations! Unfortunately, there are so many options to choose from that it can be hard to find the right ones. That's why we've created this blog post with 10 of our favorite outdoor Christmas lights to help get you started in finding the perfect ones for your home this year!

Buyers' Guide For Outdoor Christmas Lighting

The Best Outdoor Christmas Lights:

* Bulb Spacing -

Make sure the lights have a good amount of space between each bulb. This will help you see them from further away and not overwhelm your home with too many bulbs that are close together.

* Durability -

It can be difficult to predict how well something is going to hold up especially since you won't be using it all year around. Make sure the lights are made out of something durable so they last for at least a few years during one holiday season.

* Cord Length -

Longer cords can make it easier to place your Christmas decorations wherever you want without them being restricted by how long the cord is. It can also help you get creative and place them in unique places around your home.

* Lights Per Set -

The number of lights on the strand will affect how bright they are, but it can also dictate how large or small you want to go with your decorations this year! For example, if there are only a few strands then you'll probably just want to go small or medium-sized.

* Color/Style -

This is the most important thing when it comes to choosing outdoor Christmas lights since they are meant for one holiday season. All of our picks come in different colors and styles so you can choose which ones fit your home the best!

* UL Rating -

These lights have an official rating from them so you know it has been tested and passed high safety standards in order for it to be considered one of the best Christmas light options on the market.