Eric the Sheriff Northman has put together a pretty cool You Tube video of the top 10 couples (or should be couples) on True Blood. Of course I think you already know who is at number one, as we wouldn’t have been quite so keen to share it with you if they weren’t. But it’s a great watch and it’s worth seeing what other cute couples fans of the show are shipping.
Eric wrote a little foot note about how the voting was done:
While Season 5 was on I asked everyone in my group “Who is the best couple or should be couple on True Blood?” I took their answers and made this. 10 to 1 is placed from how many votes the couples got. Can you guess 10? Or 5? Or even 1? Fine out if you’re right. Also…. The #1 has the longest time. Showing most of their history from S1 to S4. ENJOY!!
WARNING: The following video contains adult content, don’t watch it if you are offended by very good looking, naked, blonde people.
Some gorgeous, swooning, Eric and Sookie moments there. Let’s hope there are lots more to come!
So any surprises in that list? Or anyone you think was missed? Let us know what you think of the top 10 couples in True Blood.
You can visit Eric the Sheriff Northman at You Tube here