10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram

By Trendytechie @theTrendyTechie

If you love geeky goodness, this list is for you! Here are THE 10 #geekgirls you should follow on Instagram right now.

1. @codergirl_ – for serious code and seriously funny captions

NYC-based software engineer Laura will charm you with her humor and wow you with her coding chops.

10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram

2. @developerbarbie – for pint-sized geek chic on the go

Developer Barbie is the epitome of #geekgoals! Run by the CEO of Ladies Learning Code @melsariffodeen, she’s always on the go and giving us inside glimpses at life as a coder.

10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram

3. @autumngreco – for equal parts glam and geekery

Teen scientist and fashion model Autumn Greco just graduated high school and is already an international icon of #girlpower!

10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram

4. @donasarkar – for tech-couture fashion and hologram hackathons

Fashion designer, published author and program manager for Microsoft Hololens, Dona Sarkar is today’s triple threat.

10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram

5. @fibonaccisequinsblog – for a celebration of diversity in STEM

Created by @donasarkar and fellow Microsoftie @abethcrane, Fibonacci Sequins Blog profiles stylish techies and what drives them.

10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram 10 Awesome Geek Girls to Follow on Instagram

6. @abortolussi – for high contrast adventure photography and geekery-on-the-go

Angela Bortolussi is a Recruiting Manager and blogger for The Undercover Recruiter. Her LA adventures will have you craving the west coast lifestyle!

7. @thetrendytechie – for fashion, tech and everything in between

Microsoft developer and world traveler Sage Franch teaches coding and shares the latest trends in fashion and tech.

8. @codegirlcode – for coffee, code, and daily motivation

Web developer and #womenintech advocate Holy will inspire you with her positivity and daily desks.

9. @sci_chic – for 3D printed science jewelry

Engineering student Erin Winick founded Sci Chic to combine her loves of fashion and science education. Each piece of her 3D printed jewelry comes with a scientific backstory!

10. @cgcblogs – for content curated by girls who code

Founded by web developer @codegirlcode, Code Girl Code Blogs is a community featuring stories and inspiration curated by female coders.

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