10 Awesome Fan-Made Video Game Movie Posters

Posted on the 07 September 2012 by Ningauble @AliAksoz

Lets face it: Movies based on video games usually suck, no matter how good the games were. Something about the transfer from VG studios to film moguls just doesn’t work, even if these games are more than just for a select niche crowd.

Fans make posters of films they’d love to see happen, some even in some sort of pre-production situation. Maybe if these execs would listen to fans, or at least some of their ideas via these posters, we’d get some decent video game based films.

Check out the other batch of movie posters we posted here.


According to someone who was attached to direct, this movie will never be produced because studios are afraid to hand out a big budget to a film with such a dark tone and subject.

Splinter Cell

There have been six video games so far; there have been six novels. A film is in the works, with Ubisoft planning on making a movie out of Assassin’s Creed and Ghost Recon as well.

Super Mario Bros.

Just make it better than the 90′s disaster. Maybe animated and western is the way to go.


It’s been 26 years since The Legend of Zelda came out and we’ve had books, comics and a TV series, but no talk of a feature film as of yet.