1 Way to Make Follow Friday Simple

By Lisa @Lisapatb
So today I wondered what is this @ffhelper?  I see it across Twitter every Friday and never had the time to explore it. This Friday was different. I did and how simple can it be?

All you do is log into FollowFriday Helper with your Twitter ID and it has all the suggestions for you based on a filtered list of tweeps that interact with you. All you have to do is just click away!  Why hadn't I done this one before?  I do like to write my own Friday greetings and am not a big fan of automation for social networks but you can do both with this FollowFriday Helper. Friday is the day to be on Twitter.  If you have to miss one day on Twitter do not let it be on a Friday.  Will I see you on Twitter today? Have you been using the FollowFriday Helper? Happy Friday! #FF