1 In 10 People In Scotland Don’t Care What Country They Live In

By Nottheworstnews @NotTheWorstNews

As Scotland voted earlier today whether to remain part of the United Kingdom, CNN reports that voter turnout is very high, perhaps as high as 90%.

Which raises the question: what’s your excuse, other ten percent?

3 Possible Excuses For Not Voting In Today’s Scottish Referendum

1. Been in line for the new iPhone since it was unveiled weeks ago.

2. Not in line for the new iPhone because can’t decide whether to buy an iPhone 6 or the larger iPhone 6 Plus. (Hey, if you can’t decide on what size phone to buy, you may also be too indecisive to decide whether you should form your own country.)

3. Unaware the referendum is today because too busy waiting for Apple Watch to come out to advise what time to vote.