藜麥鄉村麵包 (水合折疊法)

By Cathysjoy
这个面包外脆内软,配浓汤吃很搭。因为加了藜麥的关系,不但增添了面包的香味,也很有咬劲。面包的制作过程很简单, 只需要一点点耐心等待发酵就会有好吃又健康的面包啦。
(recipe adapted from Carol)
30g quinoa
60g water
270g Blue Jacket Bread Flour
30g Blue Jacket Wholemeal Flour
70g cooked quinoa
15g fine sugar
3/4 tsp salt
15g oil
1/2 tsp instant yeast
205g water 
Method:1. Using a sieve, rinse quinoa a few times under running water. Then put quinoa in a bowl & add water. Steam till quinoa is cooked.没有紅藜麥吗?没关系。普通藜麥也行!
2. Put all ingredients & cooked quinoa in a mixing bowl. Mix till combined. Cover with a cloth & proof for 30mins.3. After 30mins, wet hands slightly & fold the dough corners towards the center of the dough. Proof for another 30mins. Repeat this process for another 2 times (there will be a total of 3 times folding in 2 hrs).
4. Remove the dough onto a slightly floured table top. Divide the dough into 6 portions (100g each). Rest the dough for 15mins. 5. Shaped the dough into triangles. Proof for 1hr.
6. Sieve some bread flour onto the dough & score the dough.
7. Bake in a preheated oven @ 180C for 5mins, then 190C for 15mins.