06.23.14 Franchot’s Arrogance

Posted on the 23 June 2014 by Keith Berner @leftyview

Peter Franchot is running unopposed to be reelected as Maryland Attorney General comptroller. I have advocated a vote for “Mickey Mouse” in this non-race, largely because of Franchot’s extraordinary arrogance. Here’s a nice anecdote from LHV reader Thomas Kenny that backs me up:

Quick story about Franchot – when he was first running for Comptroller, he was personally campaigning outside the entrance to the Takoma Park Metro a few days before the primary. I was heading into the metro when he placed himself directly in front of me, stuck out his hand and, with a big smile, said “Hi, I’m Peter Franchot and I’m running for State Comptroller”, to which I replied apologetically, “Good luck, but I can’t vote in the primaries, I’m registered unaffiliated”.  He literally yanked back his hand and turned his back on me without another word. I was stunned. I told my daughter (now 18) about this later that day, and she still remembers this story to this day every time we see his name somewhere.

©2014 Keith Berner