06.20.14 Leventhal the Angry (and More About Floreen & Riemer)

Posted on the 20 June 2014 by Keith Berner @leftyview

I received this  YouTube video link (3:33) from a few different people in the reasonable-development community (in contrast to the “pave-it-all, in-the-developers’-pockets community”). I hesitated before posting it, because — as I have written — I respect Leventhal, despite his flaws, and consider him much better than almost all the other council incumbents. I would so much rather see Hans (The Liar) Riemer lose his seat on the council than Leventhal. But, my real goal, Dear Reader, is to convince you not to vote for any of the at-large incumbents, other than Elrich, and it is part of my job to report on Leventhal’s flaws when I get such clear evidence.

The video highlights Leventhal’s temper and ties to developers. That Leventhal has a nasty temper and unleashes it against those who disagree with him is hardly news to those who work closely with him. I’ve been hearing these stories for years.

I don’t know who produced this video so I can’t give credit. (It bothers me that the producer isn’t claiming credit — I think a public discourse is best carried out by people with the courage of their convictions.) The copyright mark below is for my commentary, not for the video itself.

Remember: the only way to assure that Marc Elrich is returned to council and Beth Daly is elected is to “bullet vote” only for the two of them. Any votes you cast for third and fourth choices (be they Leventhal, Floreen, or Riemer) could be the ones that push Elrich or Daly into fifth place and leave the council in developers’ hands.

©2014 Keith Berner