Destinations Magazine

Take a Bath in Hot Water Springs of Kashmir

By Jaisonvincent @globlvisiontour

Take a Bath in Hot Water Springs of Kashmir  Tatta Pani amidst the Padder Tehsil is very renowned hot water Spring in Kashmir which is as well as famous health resort. The prime source of this hot spring is a pond wherein hot water gushes out. It is said that the waters of this pond is very hot and absolutely difficult for a person to touch it. Beside this, there are other hot springs as well which ranges from intensely hot water to Luke warm water. A hot water spring is located near village Anjar in Marwa Tehsil where people from every nook and corner visit here for a hot bath. Another hot spring is located on the right bank of ChandraBhaga opposite to Padyarna. These hot water springs have many peculiarities as people having rheumatic pains get relief by taking bath in these hot water spring and numerous more diseases are cure.
Tatta Pani among these hot water springs is very famous and which is also supposed to possess magical healing powers re surfaced recently. This spring is said to have magical powers of healing certain aliments and this spring was disappeared after October 8 2005 earthquake. 
In a miraculous development, the re surface of water in the famous Tatta Pani has generated enthusiasm among the local people with scores of people visiting this place daily. It may find importance as the local living around the spring were very optimistic about the re emergence of water in the spring despite its over three years disappearance. They were performing religious functions and rituals periodically in anticipation of its re-appearance. 
With the return of the water in spring the tourism development of the state has also geared up for construction of accommodation nearby in anticipation of tourist inflow.

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