Business Magazine

SEO and Website Content – It’s So Easy To Miss the Forrest for the Trees.

Posted on the 21 January 2013 by Elizabethlmaness @elizbethlmaness

SEO and Website Content -Are you missing the point?

Over the past few weeks and months I've been talking about the many different aspects of SEO and website content creation.  So, how's your website content pulling?  Is it bringing in anywhere near the number of visitors you're hoping for?  This is an important question – creating that amazing content you've been writing takes time and a lot of brain power, doesn't it?  You want to be sure that your time is actually getting you a return on your investment! Creating content that is engaging and that gives your readers value is certainly the first place to start in maximizing your SEO for your website.  But in addition, there are a number of different things that go into making your content stand out for Google, Bing, and the other search engines to decide how to display your pages in other peoples' search engine results pages when they're looking up your niche.  For many people the idea of creating an article is the most straightforward part of creating SEO-website content.  I'm not saying it's easy – writing well is a skill that takes work!  But it's at least something that most people have learned (or tuned out!) from a writing teacher at some point in their lives.  SEO and Website contentFor starters – it's so easy to miss the forest for the trees when it comes to SEO and website updates.  We all get so focused on getting found that sometimes, we miss how to keep people coming back for more, how to convert readers to subscribers, and how to convert subscribers to paying customers! The point isn't just to get people to your site.  It's to get them to fall in love with your content.  And if you're not writing with both in mind, you're missing potential readers and clients!Asking for the Share? I'm going to get to the point on this one – do you include a call to action in every piece of content on your website?  Do you ask people to share, +1, or like your content?  If not – you are missing out!  When your content is shared and liked – when people interact with it on social platforms – this is a huge sign to Googlebot that your articles are interesting to a lot of people!  This boosts your ranking on search engine results. Are you regularly looking for interesting people to follow in your niche on Google+, Twitter, and LinkedIn, for example?  And do you work to attract more likes on your Facebook fan page?  The number of connections you have is one indicator that Google uses to determine how relevant your information is.  Their theory is – the more people you have following you, and the more they're interacting with your content, it's a good sign that you might have some good info, since people are actually following you regularly. Social Sharing Tools Make it easy for your readers to share your content. Are you using social sharing tools on your website?  Social Sharing Toolkit is one, ShareThis is another.  Whatever you use – be sure to view it and test it on various computers and browsers to check load time, not to mention making sure it looks good!  How can you increase your connections and social sharing this week?  Leave a comment below – I'd love to hear!  And if you like this article – please Tweet it!  

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