Destinations Magazine

San Juan, Puerto Rico: Surprise, Surprise!

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

On the double I must pay homage to that Puerto Rican trip that I took one decade ago, I'll never forget 'La Isla Del Encanto!' Trying 'Mofongo' for the first time had me in a taste test paradise, of course certain U.S staples were found but I soaked up a healthy serving of 'PR' island life! Taking five days away from my Newark, N.J airport work schedule had me longing for Puerto Rico! Ay!

San Juan, Puerto Rico: Surprise, Surprise!

Please allow me to gather my thoughts because the time has come to bring back my Puerto Rican experience, sure September 2012 has my brain working overtime to remember those decade old moments! Landing into San Juan's Aeropuerto Internacional Luis Muñoz Marín with United/Continental during that mid-September 2012 period had me feeling excited! I traded Newark for warmer climbs, staying with 'Old San Juan' had to be done, I wanted to be part of that Colonial Spanish quarter. 'Calle Fortaleza' hosted my hostel, housed in an impressive period building, it was a culture shock but those feelings radiated nothing but love. Walking along the cobbled streets within that corner of Puerto Rico's Old San Juan had me living my Boricua fantasy, I had worked with many people who were from the island, it was time to see their paradise homeland. The sunset beckoned me, life led me to the 'Paseo el Morro' and Puerto Rico couldn't tell me anything, that sunset scene looked killer and then some! Echa pa'lante! Let's go! 

I loved the Puerto Rican passion, you already know that I loved that their red, blue and white 'bandera' could be seen in every direction! I spent most of my time checking out those cobbles because my work schedule back on the mainland had me tired, those five days would be taken at a slower pace. That first evening saw me sparking out before the midnight hour, the early start was no joke! Waking up before the birds, I ventured out towards 'El Morro' to see that formidable Spanish fortification. I had been given a list as long as my arm by my Puerto Rican colleagues of mine from the airport, they exuded so much passion and love for their island and they wanted me to have the best time! 'El Morro' was amazing, I loved that bulletproof fort and the UNESCO World Heritage surrounding area had me falling in love with that part of Puerto Rico without any reservations! I wanted to know what Puerto Rican food was? Yes, I was directed to try out 'Cafe De Puerto Rico!' Baby, their 'Mofongo' had me coming back for more! 

San Juan, Puerto Rico: Surprise, Surprise!

My friend and colleague, Desiree had told me to avoid 'La Perla' because that 'barrio' neighbhourhood wasn't no place for a 'Gringo' like me! Of course, I was able to walk around the limits of 'La Perla' and during my visit to 'Castillo San Cristobal', it was all about distance. I had my senses switched on? Did I? No, I had my guard down and I wasn't going to apologize for any situations, I was all about taking questionable twists and turns! Oh, San Cristobal! I've got you! Visiting that second fortress looking place had me excited once more about Puerto Rico's former Spanish Empire history, I was being educated that PR had a lot of history! Seeing three flags had me acquainted, flying first was the Puerto Rican flag, the Spanish Empire and that of the United States of America. Puerto Rico presented itself to me as a passionate and warm island nation, incorporated as a U.S Commonwealth territory. The mix between Puerto Rican, former Spanish rule and current U.S status had me seeing all types of representation and amenities! ¡Sí, lo digo! 

I loved visiting 'Castillo San Cristobal', it was easier to get around and provided me with a bird's eye view of 'La Perla!' Keeping that regal theme, well steering things back to a historical angle, I was able to appreciate the scenery around 'Cementerio Santa María Magdalena de Pazzi', respectfully. That first day saw me walking a lot, it wasn't a problem because that Caribbean heat didn't feel stuffy or stifling like that New Jersey summer had been. Sure, there was no autumnal chill whilst I was in Puerto Rico but the drier heat had me appreciating the sunny and clear weather. It was like I had escaped the rat-race, life felt different on the island of Puerto Rico with no stress surprising me. The only trauma I felt during that week were those hangovers because I definitely knocked back some serious cocktails! I was just over the water from Puerto Rico's own Barcadi House, taking the ferry over to 'Cataño' was the one! Realness was served in every direction, the 'Casa Bacardi' took me out of the 'Viejo' part of town for a few hours. SJ, I loved it! 

San Juan, Puerto Rico: Surprise, Surprise!

I'm going to have to hold my hands up high because since my trip to Puerto Rico, I have gone onto to learn much more about that Boricua cuisine. Finding myself back in a rather drab and locked down England during 2020, I looked towards that trip to Old San Juan, Puerto Rico because those YouTube videos had me clocking different PR foods! What was 'Pan de Mallorca?' It took me a while to make that connection from a photo that I had snapped whilst I was walking through the streets of Old San Juan albeit I was very hungover at that point. Noticing during that 2020 moment, 'Mallorca' had connections with a cafe that I had walked past. I can't sit here in 2022 and feel completely at peace with that decision to have a Burger King meal but the hangover had me feeling blinkered and needy of a quick fix! I have gone hard in the kitchen to rectify that mess of a mistake, I now know how to make 'Sofrito' and my own version of a 'Guisado' otherwise known as a Puerto Rican stew. Papi, I have been trying to redeem myself! 

'Recipes With' will present a 'Miss Puerto Rico' addition in the future because I will make 'Pan de Mallorca' from scratch! Of course, after cooking up some 'Recetes de Puertorriqueño', they ended up being 'muy facil' to make and tasting 'super delicioso!' I definitely went in on those 'Mofongo' meals because that plantain meal had me wanting more, each time I had a different accompaniment the taste intensified! During those Lockdown 'Miss Caribbean' cooking sessions, I cooked my own 'Empanadas' and I have to say they tasted pretty good as well! Deep down, I am glad that I walked past that cafe in Old San Juan, there's method to my madness! Yes, having such culture taken away from me during the Pandemic, well it has pushed me to take care when visiting places and it challenges me to cook food from the places that I've traveled to! Who knows, I might start up my very own 'Cafetería de Mallorca' because life's too damn short! Watch this space! Those moments might didn't define my trip but they will re-shape my future! 

San Juan, Puerto Rico: Surprise, Surprise!

Walking further away from the cobbled tourist appropriate streets of 'Old San Juan', I had originally planned to visit 'Escambron Beach' known locally as 'Balneario del Escambrón'. Only now do I know that I was venturing into the San Juan Antiguo sub-district of 'Puerta De Tierra'. Looking back, I cannot believe how nonchalantly I walked alongside that main thoroughfare with only my iPod Touch GPS maps as my only navigational device, that's adventurous! The beach was amazing, taking the right turning off that busy road had me fronted with a vision of beauty, the crystal clear waters of the Caribbean Sea hit different! Placing my towel and belongings down on the sandy beach allowed me to kick back and relax, I did have a little paddle in the sea, I wanted to stay present because of my things. The weather was knockout amazing, nothing could impact my morning thus far. No other foreign tourists could be seen for miles, I had chosen wisely to get that 'authentic' experience away from the resorts. Not the Jersey Shore! 

After finishing things up at the beach, I made my way back to Old San Juan but not before taking a planned diversion. I had some idea in my head that it would be thrilling to take the 'wrong turn' along that ocean-side road. I thought that I was being all clever, trust and believe those dogs had me questioning that chosen turning! I did see a local looking cantina but I carried on because not being with a local trusted friend, well it was better for me to get back to on the same road as before. My five day trip to Puerto Rico did see me leave the limits of Old San Juan for a third time, I went on a days long tour to the 'El Yunque National Rainforest' and to 'Luquillo Beach. I loved the rainforest and the beach, that second beach-side setting had me drinking and eating everything Puerto Rican! Bizarrely enough, it was only the place where I was asked for I.D! Leaving for Newark, N.J wasn't what I wanted, it had been a bumper few days in Puerto Rico and I didn't want to face those unsociable working hours again! Siempre, gracias por todo!


Desperately Seeking Adventure

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