Politics Magazine

Public Unhappy With Time Trump Spends At His Properties

Posted on the 04 January 2020 by Jobsanger
Public Unhappy With Time Trump Spends At His Properties
Public Unhappy With Time Trump Spends At His Properties
Public Unhappy With Time Trump Spends At His Properties
Public Unhappy With Time Trump Spends At His Properties
Public Unhappy With Time Trump Spends At His Properties
These charts are from a YouGov Poll done on January 2nd of a national sample of 1,046 adults. A clear majority of the public (57%) believes it is inappropriate for Trump to spend so much time at his own properties. Only 21% thinks it is appropriate.
Trump actually makes money off the taxpayers for spending so much time at properties that he owns, because he refused to divest himself after being elected. In other words, he's using his public office for personal profit. That's corruption.
Note that every demographic group except one thinks it is inappropriate. That one groups is Republicans.

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