Lifestyle Magazine

Friday Favorites

By Cait @caitscozycorner
Friday FavoritesHappy Friday friends. It was another long week as you guys probably saw on my stories about how crazy of a week it was with both kids under the weather, -40 degree weather to attempt to shovel snow in and pack everyone up for a little mini trip we're taking to watch the Superbowl. 
I wanted to share a few things I'm loving this week with you all! Hope you all enjoy it as much as I do!
1. Try to do something that TERRIFIES you like this one I'm doing 2. Sharing my ZOODLE recipe 3. This FLEECE PULLOVER is amazing and under $504. My kitchen is revealed and you all are loving it 5. Obsessed with this Louis Vutton Apple Dupe band6. My daughter's 5th Birthday Party deets 7. Ordered these new running shoes and I love the color8. Hydrated masks are everything to keep my face feeling its best this winter 9. Grabbed this eyeliner and it stays all day! 10. I swear this nail dipping powder kit will allow you the best manicure ever in your home
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