Travel Magazine

Explore The City On Water: Venice

By Ashik Gosaliya

The world is full of hush and puff. The cars honking and the streets whistling everywhere around you! Don’t you ever come up with the thought to elope into a city that is calm and still?

I don’t know about you but when it comes to traveling for me is to experience something that I have felt never before. Maybe somewhere away from the rush of a city life and close to the soothing ether of countryside! If for you too traveling means the same, then Venice is the destination for you.

The “City of Water” is located in northeast Italy, spanning 118 islands in the Venetian Lagoon. A city, where one can go for a long aimless walk amidst the occasional splashing of the oars of the canal. And why wouldn’t it be? Who doesn’t want to cart themselves onto a gondola and visit in the calm air of the city?

And if all this sounds to you really tempting then pack your bags up and make an impromptu visit to the floating city. Don’t worry about your pocket as I am here to look after it. Just make your bookings by AirAsiaGo and Expedia via CollectOffers in order to avail exciting discount coupons and voucher codes.

While you make a visit to Venice you must do these things.

1. Gondola Ride 

Explore the hidden secrets of the city with the gondola ride which could be paired up with a walking tour as well. Admire the splendor of St Mark’s Square, and then follow your local guide through a romantic maze of surrounding backstreets to discover some of Venice’s lesser-known gems.

2. The Ghost Walking Tour 

Woohh..!! Explore the city when the sun starts to set and the crowd starts to disappear, discover the darkest secrets within the city.

3. The Grand Canal Walking Tour 

Experience the floating city on a boat ride. Glide through the placid waters past palaces, churches, gardens and bridges as you make your way along the iconic waterway.

4. Murano Glass and Burano Lace 

Travel in the intricacies of two famed Italian handicrafts with a day trip from Venice to the nearby islands of Murano and Burano. Learn the historical background of the city and wander the picturesque streets.

5. The Food and Wine in Venice 

How can I forget the food? The foodie travellers you must try on the mouthwatering food and the relishing wine that Venice has to offer to you.
These were five out of many things that you must not miss and should try on while you visit the beautiful city of canals.

Until then, keep travelling!

Explore The City On Water: Venice

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