Destinations Magazine

Destination: Fuzhou, China

By Josephharrison1990 @JTAH_1990

Fuzhou didn't have me stressing, that budget hotel impressed me without question! Sticking within China's Fujian was a no-brainer, for that first trip after returning I wanted to recapture one of those 'on the down and low' cities! Not famous nor bustling like Xiamen, I carved out my own 'Destination' pathway! Breakfast was definitely the one, truly a delicious '点评' suggestion! 

Destination: Fuzhou, China

Please allow me to backtrack, there's a lot to unpack! Xiamen had been busy and I was feeling like Fuzhou needed to not have a schedule! I wasn't joking! Leaving Xiamen Railway Station had me on something different! Getting bevvied up on the train was absolutely part of the plan, being a two hour train journey, I knew that my four cans of lager would be polished off before my train would reach Fuzhou Railway Station. I was a whole damn mess but an organised one, I wasn't a bother to anyone. Getting the metro from that Chinese rail station didn't cause me any confusion nor stress, taking much less time than it had done in Xiamen, I reached my hotel in less than 20 minutes! Fuzhou's availability and much lower prices saw me snatch a 'Yitel' room for a much less inflated holiday rate. Only a KFC delivery would cure that period of booziness! Fuzhou wasn't going to get me in trouble because I knew where to tow the line, Fujian had me responsibly out of control, I behaved! An evening at 'Tangson' felt like a blessing to me! Oh, yes! 

Waking up bright and early the next morning, I already knew what I wanted for my breakfast! Tracking down a small eatery on my '点评' APP saw me navigating those Fuzhou streets like a pro! I believed that anyway! My breakfast choice pleased my stomach, although I didn't strictly know what it was! I knew that my morning meal wasn't anything outrageous, I enjoyed those four steamed treats! The bottle of soy bean milk turned things up, I usually go for a strong coffee in the morning but something told me to switch it up! Bamboo shoots? I have tried to find out what that meal consisted of, sometimes not knowing the whole truth isn't a crime. Eating something local and Chinese for breakfast surprised me, I haven't been very loyal within regards to that meal. Feeling fueled up for the day ahead, I vacated that breakfast spot with the quickness because I had things to do! Fuzhou knew that I would be on my feet all day, setting me free from that breakfast moment unleashed the days full potential. If you know, you know! Go! 

Destination: Fuzhou, China

Three Lanes and Seven Alleys? Quite literally, '三坊七巷' lived up to that name in every single sense! Only a few minutes walk away from my former breakfast location I was able to find 'Sanfang Qixiang'. Of course, since seeing those Hokkien style roofs I wanted to catch a glimpse of the same in Fuzhou! I had literally no expectations because I not planned one single part of my day in Fuzhou, those alleys and lanes impressed me much. Modernised they did look, that beautification didn't bother me one bit, I had nothing to stress about! Keeping it moving, I saw inside a small temple but knew that I wanted to appreciate those quieter alley ways rather than the bustling tourist main street. I did find myself on that street after walking all the way down one alley, I wasn't mad because I turned back towards the way I had just arrived. An Instagram lookout point? I didn't want any part of that tourist hype, I didn't want to over-complicate things. Fuzhou kept on serving the most beautiful sunshine, I loved the sunshine! Yes, Fuzhou!  

I actually loved not having to adhere to any specific timings, the morning so far in Fuzhou had me on my independent travel game! Those lanes and alleys didn't have me mad, I actually felt the merge between the city and some history quite nice. Allow me to serve some Fuzhou tea, so the 'Three Lanes and Seven Alleys' stand as the last remaining preserved part of that Fujian city! Like, how rude! There's no question that life took me to those crisscrossing cultural relics, Fuzhou wasn't going to do me wrong! 5-A Rated Tourist Attraction, she better did! Yes, on that familiar review application I had clocked a banging view from an overlooking shopping centre, as mentioned before I wanted to keep my feet firmly on the ground! Fuzhou served me a slice of tourist charm, intertwined with history at the same, I was being educated from the Fujian tourism gods! I loved my period of exploration so much so, you already know I appreciated those Hokkien style roofs! Gulangyu Island had educated me first! Fuzhou wanted to take credit! Oh!

Destination: Fuzhou, China

Oh, it had been the longest since I had last been to a temple in China, I actually couldn't remember the last time I had visited before returning to the United Kingdom in 2020! That wasn't a question, it was a whole emergency! Fuzhou's Kaiyuan Temple welcomed me with the usual waft of incense in the air, I wanted to experience all of that calm once again! I do not play with temples, I never have compared these Buddhist places of worship because a former foreign friend really ticked me off when she said they all look the same! Really? Bye, Felicia! I took my time walking around that Fuzhou temple, stepping into one of the shrines welcomed a sense of serenity that washed over me. Reconnecting with a sense of spirituality felt correct, I lived for those other temple patrons lighting and placing their incense sticks in the designated stands. You already know that I wanted to burn up some serious incense, time stopped because Kaiyuan Temple took the wheel. I felt so calm, each step felt like slow motion, I wasn't mad about it, FZ! 

I loved that rich terracotta orange colour, the temple buildings served a sense of 'Burnt Orange Realness!' I just luxuriated in that moment of pure peace, people were going about their temple business but their activities did not bother me one tiny bit! I was too blessed to be stressed! Taking the stairs up to the second level on the left hand side allowed me to see something else, I loved that usual temple yard with the usual settings. I appreciated that familiar China Buddhist temple outdoor space, I had no qualms about that chilled moment. The buzz of the city had well and truly stayed away from that Kaiyuan Temple spot. I asked a lady where I could buy some incense sticks from, she directed me down by the entrance and escorted me around the ten stations where I lit and placed each incense stick! I loved that personal service, it was truly blessed to have someone show me every single station. I absolutely loved my Fuzhou temple visit, it was truly special because I left the temple feeling truly chilled out! Time for tea? Yes, F! 

Destination: Fuzhou, China

I wanted to experience something sedate, I headed over to '黎明湖公园/Dawn Lake Park' with the quickness! That '点评' APP had cast another magical spell, that final tea house spot served a tranquil view even though those platforms were buzzing with life! I firstly found one tea house location but the seats were all taken, I never doubted that I wouldn't find a space. I ordered my tea and snacks with the help of the owner, it was clear that foreigners didn't frequent that park because the workers didn't know how to act. They wanted to take photos of me and that isn't something I would ask them, so I respectfully declined because I deep down don't like kind of attention. Pouring up my tea felt amazing, I sipped on that Chinese brew with the picturesque lake in view, I had no complaints! My Chinese brew tasted great and my sweet local snacks impressed my taste buds equally, that almost secret park saw me taking it easy after a rather busy day in the city. My photo took some going to capture but I got what I wanted eventually!

I spent at least one hour sat at that table, I enjoyed my tea at my own pace. For less than £10.00 I was able to enjoy a shed load of Chinese tea and some local snacks with such a lovely view in tow. The park had been free to access and it wasn't just the lake that looked pretty, I loved Chinese style park pathways with those traditional features. People don't give these unknown hidden gems enough credit. I loved that Fuzhou served a bumper crop of serves but without any crowds present, those lake views felt almost like they were all mine! That 'Destination' pick in Fujian felt amazing, it was the antidote to Xiamen's mayhem, that contrast was appreciated. Fuzhou kept up the pace, from that local breakfast to those historical alley ways, I was impressed! 'Like A Prayer', Fuzhou's Kaiyuan Temple gave me the calm that I needed before my night-out commenced and the lakeside tea house situation gave me everything I wanted and more! Fuzhou had more in-store for me! Fujian's provincial city gave me all of the above! Sure! 

Night Out Pending... 

Desperately Seeking Adventure

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