Eco-Living Magazine

Clean Green

Posted on the 26 November 2012 by T_mackinnon @tedmackinnon

Choose the Right Cleaning Equipment

Do you think about the environment but you are not sure that your cleaning supplies agree with the green thinking or with your wallet and time. All though, it totally does!

recycle and clean green

With the right cleaning equipment everything becomes faster and cheaper and easier while you at the same time do the environment a favor. Maybe you think that things won’t become clean without detergent, but that is not true so let’s get that out of the way before continuing. With the proper cleaning equipment you can clean without any chemicals. Not only do you save the environment in the process, but also money, plus it is easier and less time-consuming to clean when you do not have to handle and carry around a vacuum cleaner, bucket and that detergent.

enviro house cleaning and recycling

Micro fiber cloth is a cleaner’s best friend that can be used for almost everything and rarely need chemicals if it’s not dirty or greasy. They work well cleaning almost anything from shelves to toilets only by using water. You can also use old rags to clean and wipe the windows and mirrors with. Use different cloths for different rooms not to risk spreading any germs. Cloths and mops made out of microfiber contain millions of microscopic fibers that bind dirt and clean.

When you choose your vacuum cleaner you should be careful and think it over. Maybe the cheapest one isn’t the best choice. A more expensive one will keep your home cleaner. Are you already stuck with an old hoover; you may be at risk that it spread more dirt than it sucks up. If you smell dust when vacuuming, you may want to consider getting a new one. Don’t be alarmed if your new one smells too, then it’s probably just time to change the bag.

When you have invested in a new vacuum cleaner, it is time to add some more things to your cleaning cabinet. A good old fashioned broom is perfect to use so you don’t have to use the electricity by using the hoover every time your kids have had breakfast. A feather duster is also nice to have and have the same ability as a micro fiber cloth since it sucks the dust up, just remember to shake it out outside afterwards. When you get a floor mop, get one with a micro fiber cloth. Regular ones only move the dirt around, but after this we have learned that micro fiber collects the dust. Most of the times you can just use a dry mop but if the floor needs to be soaked just use another mop that can be moist, plus maybe sometimes some soap or environmentally friendly  cleaners and detergent.  To protect your hands, especially when you use micro fiber, you will need to use gloves

Cleaning the kitchen

Micro fiber absorbs not only the fat from surfaces when cleaning but also from your skin, which can cause dry hands. Wear rubber gloves rather than plastic gloves you will only use once. That way you do not waste natural resources. If you cannot use rubber because you’ve got an allergy, use thin cotton gloves (available at most pharmacies).

Normally you won’t need cleanser while you clean, if it’s not very dirty, then you can use some regular soap and be careful not to overdose. Wash the cloths and the mops after each use and never use rinse.

Clean Green
Clean Green

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