Business Magazine

Are These Commonly Held Myths Holding Back Your Video Marketing?

Posted on the 07 November 2013 by Marketingtango @marketingtango

Misconceptions about the creation, quality and consumption of online video is costing B2B companies in missed leads and lost opportunities, according to a recent article from ReelSEO.

Despite video’s well-documented integration into buyers’ purchasing process, many B2B companies simply don’t place as much stock in video as they do in case studies, whitepapers and other traditional (text-based) marketing content.

Here’s a quick look at ReelSEO’s top three myths–and reasons why marketers who hold these views would do well to move beyond them.

Myth #1: “Business Decision Makers Don’t Watch Online Videos About Business.”

It’s easy to envision top-level execs holed up in a corner suite, poring over stat-laden reports to inform strategic decisions. The reality? They’re too busy and want shortcuts. A study by Google and Forbes reports that 75% of executives at the nation’s largest corporations watch business-related videos every day.

Myth #2: “Video is too simple a medium to impart deep or complex information.”

On the contrary, video is a dynamic, information-rich medium that works on several levels to educate, enlighten, even entertain. Video is visceral. It combines imagery, sound and text to evoke emotion and compel behavior. Cognitively, says Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research, one minute of video equates to about 1.8 million words. Imagine how much information you can convey with even a small library of 2-3 minute video clips.

Myth #3: “Quality video is cost-prohibitive for most small businesses.”

As we reported here, Spielberg-like productions aren’t necessary to create effective online video, especially the short “How To” clips today’s buyers use to inform their purchase decisions.

In some verticals, small-business owners and marketers expect, and arguably prefer, simpler, less hype-filled clips delivered by a knowledgeable, credible presenter.  One caveat: Modest production value is fine (so long as the content is useful and credible). But minimal standards for sound, lighting and presentation quality are essential. Poorly done video on an otherwise excellent site could harm more than help your marketing.

Doubts still lurking? These video marketing facts based on research from Vine, Instagram, comScore and eMarketer–and this 80-second State of Video in 2013 may help dispel them.

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