Family Magazine

5 Must-Have Essentials for New Moms

By Upliftingfam @upliftingfam

As the day for the new arrival fast approaches, many people, including registries, will give you a massive list of what you need for the baby. Of course, you might be tempted to buy everything, but not all of them can be helpful. As a new mom, any critical basics should help you feed, diaper, clothe and put your infant to comfortable sleep. Let's delve into your must-have checklist.

5 Must-Have Essentials for New Moms

1. The Right Diapering Gear

While it makes common sense for diapers to make your must-have list, the initial days/ weeks and months can be overwhelming, and you need only the proper ones.

In this case, easily disposable diapers such as bamboo disposable diapers can be your game changer. Mostly you can begin with two packs of disposable newborn diapers and baby

wipes. Likewise, never leave out diaper rash ointment as you pick out your diaper-related stuff.

A waterproof table changing pad and at least three changing pad covers are also helpful at this stage. Then again, the portable diaper changing pad is a massive necessity for when you are out and about.

2. The Most Suitable Nursery Furniture

This segment of essentials includes a crib and a crib mattress. Still, you can also opt for a co-sleeper if you want the baby ever so close. For co-sleeping, a small bassinet that easily clips on your bedside comes in so handy. Some of the helpful baby linens are at least two well-fitted crib sheets and thin, soft blankets.

Do not forget those necessary waterproof mattress covers. But that is not enough, and you might need to add a few accessories, especially if your baby has trouble sleeping. As such, you can install a white noise machine that can drown out all that external noise and allow uninterrupted baby sleep.

3. Formulae or Breastfeeding Gear

To live, the baby must feed. So as you methodically tick against the essentials checklist, it would be best to ensure your infant's feeding type. Suppose you decide to breastfeed your baby. Then, of course, you may not need much equipment, save for a nursing pillow and at least 2 to 3 nursing bras.

But if you are a working new mom, then a breast pump and milk storage containers may come in handy. Those washable or even disposable breast pads are also a great necessity. Also, get a lotion if yours will be sore nipples.

But what if you opt for formulae? You may have to purchase a heap of bibs and burp cloths. That bottle and nipple brush have never been so necessary till now. Then, of course, you won't forget the formula while having a keen eye for the expiry dates. Lastly, equip yourself with a thermal bottle carrier.

5 Must-Have Essentials for New Moms

4. Proper Clothing or Your Baby

Unless you already know your baby's gender in advance, then you should opt for gender-neutral clothing. This category's essential picks include at least six pieces of onesies or undershirts, in a mix of short and long-sleeved. Also, choose a sufficient number of nightgowns necessary until the cord falls off.

Other things on the clothing checklist include a few pairs of pants, socks, or booties. You can also buy a couple of scratch mittens that keep your baby from face scratching. Depending on the season, pick a few cardigans or jackets. Finally, do not leave out a gentle laundry detergent suitable for infants.

5. Other Must-Have Necessities

Bathing and grooming are a vital part of your baby's life, and so you must also pick appropriate grooming gear. Some of the things that make a great checklist include a few hooded towels and washcloths.

Get a suitable infant bathing tub for which you will begin using once the cord is off. Baby bath wash, baby shampoo, comb and brush set, and a nail file set also make the great list. Finally, also have those cotton swabs and cotton balls in your possession.



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