Books Magazine

Stacking The Shelves

By A_wondrous_bookshelf

Stacking The Shelves

Stacking The Shelves is hosted at Tynga’s Reviews and is all about sharing the books you are adding to your shelves, may it be physical or virtual. This means you can include books you buy in physical store or online, books you borrow from friends or the library, review books, gifts and of course ebooks!

This week has been a pretty busy one. Having just come back from a very long hiatus, I felt the need to start restocking my shelves. I started out with a trip to my local library, my local and favorite used bookstore, acquiring some ARCs for review, and accepting author’s request for a review.

ARCs for Review

Stacking The Shelves
Stacking The Shelves
Stacking The Shelves
Stacking The Shelves
Stacking The Shelves

A Brush With Death by Ali Carter (Edelweiss) – check out my review

The Favorite Sister by Jessica Knoll (NetGalley) –check out my review

Jar of Hearts by Jennifer Hillier (NetGalley)

Secrets, Lies & Crawfish Pies by Abby L. Vandiver (NetGalley)

The Hawkman by Jane Rosenberg LaForge (Edelweiss)


Stacking The Shelves
Stacking The Shelves

Warriors -Into the Wild by Erin Hunter

Death in Venice and Other Tales by Thomas Mann

Library Loans

Stacking The Shelves
Stacking The Shelves

The Remains of The Day by Kazuo Ishiguro

Rush Home Road by Lori Lansens

Author’s Request for Review

TheBurning_Kobo_cover (1)

The Burning by S.O. Esposito

Happy reading!


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