Current Magazine

PAL-V Flying Car Concept

Posted on the 26 April 2012 by Vecie78 @NeverSayCool

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It is not the first time NSC writes about hybrid and odd vehicle concepts. In this blog post we will be talking about a car..  Ahem a helicopter.

PAL-V Flying Car Concept

Do you have recurring dreams of flying? You should check out the PAL-V, it combines within one vehicle the freedom and excitement of flying like a bird in the sky with the choice of driving with breathtaking performance on the roads and highways.

It steers like a car and banks like a motorbike on bends, a bit like the Carver and with an easiness you would not expect. It can also achieve speeds of up to 112 mph on the ground and 4,000 feet above (click HERE for specifications).

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