Politics Magazine

Our Economy Is Unfair Because We Are Ruled By The Rich

Posted on the 25 April 2024 by Jobsanger
Our Economy Is Unfair Because We Are Ruled By The Rich
Why do millions of Americans work full-time jobs for a wage that keeps them in poverty? 

Why do working and middle class families struggle to keep up with inflation? 

Why do over 50 major corporations make billions in profits, but pay no income taxes?

Why do the super-rich pay a smaller income tax rate than many middle class families?

Why are giant corporations allowed to control so much of the market that they can raise prices at will (regardless of already record-breaking profits)?

The answer to these, and other inequities, is really very simple? We are being ruled by the rich.

Most of the elected officials in Congress are millionaires (and a great many are multi-millionaires). They make the laws that govern our society. And as one would expect, millionaires make laws that benefit millionaires. And none-elected millionaires have the money to fund propaganda to support the laws made by elected millionaires.

This could be fixed, but it would be difficult. An overwhelming number of voters would have to demand that change. Anything less could be ignored by the ruling rich.

Anyone can run for Congress, but not anyone can afford to run for Congress. It takes a good deal of money to get a person known by the voting public, and more money to get their views know. And it takes money to be able to raise money. This puts a working or middle class person at a serious disadvantage, since a rich opponent can simply outspend them with their own money (or easily fund a money-raising campaign).

The answer is public funding of federal campaigns. All candidates should receive a certain amount of funding from the government to run, and no candidate should be allowed to spend more than that amount. And MAGA-donors or other outside groups should not be allowed to spend money campaigning for any candidate. This would put all candidate on an equal footing, and probably results in more working and middle class candidates being elected to Congress.

Also, the Citizens United decision by the Supreme Court must be overturned. That decision said money was speech, and allowed the rich to have more speech than anyone else.

We must have fair elections before we can have a fair economy. That will not be easy to accomplish. It will only happen when the voters demand it, and will only vote for those who will reform our election funding laws and support Supreme Court nominees who will overturn Citizens United

Until this happens, we are destined to be ruled by the rich - to the detriment of everyone else.

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