
Now is the Right Time to Clear Your Gutters

Posted on the 19 March 2024 by Bboj Handyman

Well-maintained gutters are critical to keeping water away from the roof and walls of your property and avoiding any possible water damage. At a minimum you should always have your gutters cleared at least once a year, but it is generally a good idea to have them cleaned both in the spring and autumn to make sure they are working cleanly and efficiently.

Here are some tell-tale signs that getting your gutters cleaned should be a priority today:

Water is overflowing the sides of the gutters

The gutters on London properties are designed to handle the flow of water off the roof for even the most torrential British rainstorms. So if you are seeing water overflowing out of the sides of your gutters then that means that your gutters are at least partially blocked by debris, such as dead leaves and dirt. Clearing out the gutters will immediately let the water flow properly again and prevent the overflow causing any other damage to your roof or walls.

The gutters are sagging or bowing

If your gutters look to be sagging between the brackets, this is likely due to a build up of debris inside them, the weight of which is causing the gutter to bend or bow. If you see this sagging on your gutters, you should get your gutters cleared immediately or you might face a gutter breaking which will mean the expense of new guttering along with any other issues caused by water damage from the problem.

You can see moss growing in your gutters

If water is flowing cleanly through your gutters there would be no opportunity for moss to grow. Therefore, if you can already see moss growing in your gutters then there is already a build up of debris there and it is time to call in a professional to help clear them out before the blockage becomes any worse.

You can hear animals or pests on the roof

Blocked and dirty gutters can attract all kinds of creatures attracted by the leaves twigs, nuts, and other debris. If you regularly see or hear a lot of activity from birds, squirrels, rodents or even cats on your roof, then it is a good chance that your gutters need a good clean.

You can’t remember the last time you had your gutters cleaned

As outlined earlier, you should have your gutters cleaned at least once per year. If you can’t remember the last time they were cleaned, or if you have recently moved into a property and do not know the last time they were cleaned, then it is a good idea to book a reliable handyman to come and clear them out as soon as possible.

We can help clean your gutters

Not only can our team of friendly handymen help you put up or customise furniture, tile your bathroom, or redecorate any room in your property, but we can also clear the gutters of your London home. If you would like a professional to clear your gutters, and possibly help you with some other handyman tasks at the same time, then call us today on 0208 244 5070 or book online.

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