Lifestyle Magazine

Good Reasons To Stop Drinking To Excess

By Lyndsay S @lyndsinreallife

A glass of wine, a bottle of beer, or perhaps a measure of spirit every now and again is a pleasant experience – it can relax you, make you feel calmer, and it can taste great. However, if that ‘every now and again’ becomes ‘all the time’, then you might have an addiction issue that is not good for you at all. In fact, it can be extremely dangerous and even deadly. If you think you might be drinking too much alcohol on a regular basis, it’s time to cut back or stop altogether. Read on to find out just some of the reasons why this is a good idea. 

Good Reasons To Stop Drinking To Excess

Photo by Prem Pal Singh Tanwar

Your Health 

The main reason to stop drinking to excess is, of course, your health. Your liver, for example, is at serious risk of damage if you regularly drink more than is good for you. If you are drinking a lot long term, you can develop cirrhosis, which damages the liver, sometimes beyond repair. 

Other health problems associated with alcohol include:

  • Heart disease
  • Type II diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Kidney problems (leading to kidney failure)
  • Cancer (alcohol is a known carcinogen) 

By quitting drinking, or at least cutting down to a more manageable level, your body can start to repair itself. This is the main reason why it’s so important to take charge of your life and be honest about your drinking. If you need help, you must ask for it; UMR insurance drug and alcohol rehab is something that can help you with your problem, for example, and if you need that help, it’s crucial you get it. 

Your Looks 

Not everyone is overly concerned with their looks, but it’s always good to look healthy. If you quit drinking to excess, you will look a lot better for it (and that can even boost your confidence in your personal life and at work too). 

Alcohol produces free radicals, as well as other toxins, in your body. These cause your skin to look dull and unhealthy, but when you stop drinking, these toxins reduce in number allowing your skin to rejuvenate and look much healthier again. 

Save Money 

No matter how you look at it, drinking alcohol instead of fruit juice or a soft drink is expensive. Even if you buy a bottle to drink at home, although it costs less money than a drink in a bar or restaurant would, it still costs more than you might want to pay. 

The more you drink, the more you will spend, and it can become a big problem when you want – or even need – to have a drink, but there is no money to do so. By cutting down on your drinking, you can save a lot of money, and your budget will last for a lot longer. You could even put all the money you would have spent on alcohol into a savings pot so that you can use it to purchase something you’ve always wanted. This can be seen as a reward for quitting and will give you more incentive to do so. 

Thank you for reading!

Good Reasons To Stop Drinking To Excess

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