Destinations Magazine

Friday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding Road

By Lwblog @londonwalks
Friday is Rock'n'Roll London Day!

The Rock'n'Roll London Walk meets at Tottenham Court Road Station every Friday at 2pm.
DC Editor Adam writes…

It does make me chuckle. The wrong Abbey Road…  
Friday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding Road
Abbey Road DLR station has caused a degree of confusion among music fans in search of The Beatles' famous recording studio. So much so that a sign has been placed at the station to help stray musos…
Friday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding Road
Back in 2016 I visited the wrong Abbey Road for the London Walks Podcast. At Abbey Road DLR station, I met Arjan from Istanbul. Sure enough, he was looking for The Beatles…
Making @londonwalks podcast at #AbbeyRoad @LondonDLR & I met a nice fella from Turkey looking for Abbey Rd studios! — Adam Scott (@AdamScottG) September 30, 2016

Arjan graciously agreed to take part in the podcast and afterwards we managed to get him back on track!
Here's the podcast…

If you DO end up at Abbey Road on the DLR, and not St John's Wood on the Jubilee Line for Abbey Road Studios, all is not lost! There's still a flake of Rock'n'Roll London history quite nearby.
The old Abbey Mills Pumping Station is but a hop, skip and jump from London's most confusing station.
In March 1968 Pink Floyd filmed at Abbey Mills Pumping Station (designed by Sir Joseph Bazalgette) in deepest East London.
Producer Tony Palmer (who went on to make the monumental All You Need Is Love documentary series on popular music with contributions from, among others, Charles Chilton) captured a performance of post-Syd Barrett Pink Floyd doing Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun.
Friday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding Road

Find Abbey Mills here…
The Rock'n'Roll London Walk meets at 2pm Tottenham Court Road station (exit 1) every Friday all year round – and every Wednesday at 7pm from 7th March 2017. You can follow the Rock'n'Roll London Walk on Facebook –
Here's the trailer…
A London Walk costs £10 – £8 concession. To join a London Walk, simply meet your guide at the designated tube station at the appointed time. Details of all London Walks can be found at
Friday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding RoadFriday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding RoadFriday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding RoadFriday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding RoadFriday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding RoadFriday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding RoadFriday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding RoadFriday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding RoadFriday Is Rock'n'Roll London Day: The Wrong & Winding Road

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