Current Magazine

Facebook Flooded with Porn: Who’s to Blame?

Posted on the 16 November 2011 by Periscope @periscopepost
Facebook flooded with porn: Who’s to blame?

Mark Zuckerberg: Stemming the Facebook Porn Flood:

Have you recently received some hardcore pornography from your mother-in-law on your Facebook newsfeed? If you have, then don’t worry, as (hopefully) there’s a reason for it.  Facebook, the social network that’s meant to keep you up to date with, well your social network, has been overwhelmed by violent and pornographic images, including doctored pictures of celebrities such as popstrels Justin Bieber and Rihanna in what the Fox News website euphemistially calls “compromising situations”, as well as “acts of violence, self-mutiliation and even bestiality.” It seems likely that unsuspecting people managed to spread the virus by innocently clicking on links. There was also, apparently, “Jesus porn.”

Sky News said that Anonymous were thought to be behind the attack – group “claiming allegiance” to the hackers posted a YouTube video in which they said they’d created the “Fawkes virus”. But Facebook says it isn’t Anonymous, though the group had made clear that it wanted to attack Facebook – on 5th November. The Times of India reports that Facebook has now found out who’s done it, and is taking appropriate action.

“During this spam attack users were tricked into pasting and executing malicious javascript in their browser URL bar causing them to unknowingly share this offensive content. Our efforts have drastically limited the damage caused by this attack, and we are now in the process of investigating to identify those responsible,” said Facebook’s Andrew Noyes in a statement,quoted on The Atlantic Wire. 

“I had to deactivate my FB after all that Jesus porn… I just can’t risk my position in heaven looking like I posted that mess,” a user Tweeted.

You can’t escape it. It’s a “porn flood!”, Gawker yelled gleefully. But at least you can explain the “tumescent dude” on your computer when your boss goes past. Facebook users are up in arms, however, rushing into the so-far-porn-free arms of Twitter to complain. We’re leaving you, Facebook! they say. Of course, spam is usual on Facebook – but this is unprecedented. Facebook’s prudish censors even don’t allow “tatesful drawings” of nudes – but they can’t get in the way of Porn – this is the internet, after all. “Porn finds a way.”

“We’ve put in place backend measures to reduce the rate of these attacks and will continue to iterate on our defenses to find new ways to protect people,” Facebook said in a statement.

“Just saw one with a guy who had his skull bashed in and his brains on the street. Another one was the devil… Besides the countless naked girls. I’m about ready to deactivate…” said Courtney Zito, quoted on The Christian Post.

Remember MySpace! The Christian Post was up in arms, but pointed out that it was this sort of thing that led to MySpace’s demise. People left it for the “safer” Facebook – but now look what’s happening to it.

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