Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Dear Clark… What is a Twin Flame Kiss Like?

By Clarkkent07 @lpatterson1017

DreamKissUnderwaterDear Clark, Is the twin flame romantic love as romantic as it is that we all believe it to be?  Is it the love that will change everything….


It took me sometime to put this in words so I will try and describe it as best I can,


When we kiss, we kiss not just physically, not just with the mental thought, but inside of us that we can feel something that not only calls the present moment, it removes psychological time, and beings blossom of the aliveness to our connection to the kiss.  We feel our true form touch, it is beyond the imagination as it is known here,  it glows throughout space. We leave our bodies and can truly see ourselves flying as we kiss as it was meant to be and will remain without the understanding of it taking a physical form for us to always experience we find forever in it.  There is something about this that when you are wanting this kiss you call to it even when you are not together the other will instantly call to you because they felt you thinking of it.  If you experience this you open the door to telepathy beyond what you can think it becomes embedded in knowing.  Magical this is, and romantic love becomes….. well….. human.  There is this place where you will never want for anything more.  It is real.. I promise you it is!  I am living it.


if you ever felt love as Trust, responsibility, taking the weight for your choices and feelings, and spending the rest of your life living up to them. And above all, not hurting the object of your love.


well if you take this kiss, inside of that love, inside of this kiss, an multiply it by infinity, and take it to the depth of forever, and you will still have barely a glimpse of what I’m talking about. :)


Love deeply,


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